PhDr. Kateřina Melanová, realitní makléřka RE-MAX Alfa

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact PhDr. Kateřina Melanová, realitní makléřka RE/MAX Alfa

Address :

Zálužická 165/14, 143 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

Zálužická 165/14, 143 00 Praha 4, Czechia
Vratislav Dancak on Google

Profesionální realitní makléřka, naprosto spolehlivá, pečlivá, znala věci, výborná komunikace, nakup nemovitosti zprostředkovala rychle a perfektně. Děkuji.
Professional real estate broker, absolutely reliable, meticulous, knew things, excellent communication, buying real estate quickly and perfectly. Thank you.
Eva Novotny on Google

Od sameho zacatku jsem byla velice ohromena profesionalitou. Navazani kontaktu s RE/MAX predchazelo zasilani emejlovych zadosti z USA na vyhotoveni oceneni na druzstevni byt v Praze ruznym relativnim kancelarim. Tato snaha byla bez jedinne odezvy. Proto jsem musela prejit k telefonnimu obvolavani. RE/MAX kancelar byla prvni na mem seznamu. Telefon odpovedela pani PhDr. Katerina Melanova ktera ochotne souhlasila ze oceneni na byt vypracuje. Od toho dne nasledovala vymena informaci a dokumentu. Podavani pravidelnych aktualizaci byla samozrejmost. Oceneni bylo vypracovano v radnem terminu a doruceno notarske firme. Pani PhDr. Katerinu Melanovou vrele doporuji pro ucely vypracovani oceneni na nemovitost. Diky pozitivni zkusenosti s ocenenim bytu jsem se dohodla s pani maklerkou PhDr. K. Melanovou ze to budou zase sluzby RE/MAX na ktere budu spolehat pri prodeji predmetneho druzstevniho bytu. Pravnik s kterym RE/MAX pracuje pripravil plnou moc ve ktere jsem souhlasila aby mne pani maklerka PhDr. K. Melanova zastupovala prakticky ve vsech aspektech nutnych k tomu aby se prodej bytu uspesne dokoncil. Plna moc se tykala napriklad rezervacniho poplatku, blokovaciho deposita, dohody o financnim vyporadani, smlouvy o advokatni uschove. Smlouva a plna moc byla pripravena k memu podpisu 04.09.2019. Nad ramec SMLOUVY pani maklerka souhasila s radou cinnosti jako napriklad ze bude pritomna u instalace elektromeru v byte (podepsala za mne smlouvu na dodavky elektriny) ze obdrzi a preposle fakturu za elektriku ze bude preposilat dulezitou postu ze se sejde s uklidovou firmou a tak dale. 9.10.19 zajistila inzerci na ctyrech webovych strankach. 9.21.19 probehla prvni prohlidka bytu. 8.10.19 za mne podepsala s kupcem rezervacni smlouvu. 10.25.19 probehla platba za prodej bytu na muj ucet. Dale chci podekovat za eticke jednani a profesionalitu Mgr. Janu Zajickovi advokatni uschovna ktera provedla platbu za prodej bytu na muj ucet. Pro RE/MAX pracuji vyjimecni lide. Nevahejte se na ne obratit budete s jejich sluzbami spokojeni – je to vyjimecna relativni kancelar.
From the very beginning I was very impressed with the professionalism. Making contact with the RE / MAX was preceded by the sending of emelian requests from the USA for the award of a co-operative apartment in Prague with various relative offices. This effort was without a single response. That's why I had to make a phone call. The RE / MAX office was the first on the mem list. The phone was answered by PhDr. Katerina Melanova who readily agreed to the appraisal of the apartment draws up. From that day, the information and the document were exchanged. Submitting regular updates was a matter of course. The award was drawn up in due time and delivered to a notarial firm. Mrs. PhDr. I recommend Katerina Melanova for real estate valuation purposes. Thanks to the positive experience with the appraisal of the apartment I agreed with Mrs. PhDr. K. Melanova will be RE / MAX services, which I will rely on when selling the co-operative apartment. The lawyer with whom RE / MAX works has prepared a power of attorney in which I agreed to be Mrs. PhDr. K. Melanova represented in virtually all aspects necessary to successfully complete the sale of the apartment. The power of attorney included, for example, a reservation fee, a blocking deposit, a financial settlement agreement, a lawyer's deposit agreement. The contract and the power of attorney were prepared for the memorandum of signing 04.09.2019. Above the scope of the CONTRACT, Mrs. maklerka coincided with a series of activities such as being present at the installation of an electricity meter in the apartment (signed for me a contract for electricity) to receive and forward an invoice for electricity to forward an important post to meet with a cleaning company and so on. 9.10.19 ensure advertising on four websites. 9.21.19 was the first inspection of the apartment. 8.10.19 signed a reservation contract with the buyer. 10.25.19 payment for the sale of apartment to my account. I would also like to thank Mgr. Jan Zajickova attorney who made the payment for the sale of the apartment on my account. For RE / MAX I work exceptional people. Do not hesitate to contact them you will be satisfied with their services - it is an exceptional relative office.
Jitka Matoušková on Google

Paní Melanová je makléřem na svém místě - ohodnocuji 5 hvězdičkami - spolehlivá, zodpovědná, vstřícná, pracovitá a profesionální.
Mrs. Melan is a broker in her place - rated 5 stars - reliable, responsible, helpful, hardworking and professional.
Martin Rousek on Google

Paní makléřka je velmi milá a ochotná. Se vším nám pomohla. Určitě můžeme doporučit.
The broker is very nice and helpful. She helped us with everything. We can definitely recommend.
Jana Deakova on Google

Paní PhDr. Kateřina Melanová je člověk na svém místě. Profesionální jednání, ochotná, vstřícná, svoji práci dělá s radostí. Prodejem bytu mě provedla naprosto v klidu a rychle. Vcítila se do mé stávající situace, dala mi užitečné rady a nápady, jak se k prodeji samotnému postavit. V každém kroku prodeje měla vše perfektně připravené a zorganizované. Velmi si vážím práce paní Melanové a především jí, jako člověka.
Mrs. PhDr. Kateřina Melanová is a man in her place. He acts professionally, willing, helpful, and does his job with joy. She sold me completely calmly and quickly through the sale of the apartment. She empathized with my current situation, gave me useful advice and ideas on how to approach the sale itself. At every step of the sale, everything was perfectly prepared and organized. I really appreciate Mrs Melan's work and, above all, as a human being.
Věra Radostová on Google

Paní makléřka je velice ochotná, vstřícná, navíc dobře informovaná, spolehlivá a vždy se snažila o co nejlepší komunikaci, tak aby vedla k rychlému řešení problému. Mohu jen doporučit
The broker is very helpful, helpful, in addition well informed, reliable and always tried to communicate as best as possible, so that it leads to a quick solution to the problem. I can only recommend
Eva Chalupníčková on Google

S realitní kanceláří Remax a zvláště s realitní makléřkou paní Melanovou jsem byla velmi spokojená pro její profesionální a vstřícný přístup. Poměrně složitou kauzu prodeje a koupě bytu zároveň, včetně převodu do osobního vlastnictví a financování, dokázala vyřešit rychle a bezpečně, aniž bych se musela sama o něco starat. Mohu ji jen doporučit.
I was very satisfied with the real estate agency Remax and especially with the real estate agent Mrs. Melanová for her professional and helpful approach. She was able to solve the relatively complex case of selling and buying an apartment at the same time, including the transfer to personal ownership and financing, quickly and safely, without having to worry about anything on my own. I can only recommend it.
Tuan Vo on Google

Paní Melanová je velmi spolehlivá, profesionální, zodpovědná a vstřícná. Výborná komunikace a rychlost odpovědí. Vše proběhlo přesně podle domluvy. Velmi si toho vážím. Určitě paní makléřku doporučím přátelům a do budoucna bez váhání využiji služby paní Melanové.
Mrs. Melan is very reliable, professional, responsible and helpful. Excellent communication and speed of response. Everything went exactly as agreed. I really appreciate it. I will definitely recommend the broker to my friends and I will use Mrs. Melan's services in the future without hesitation.

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