- iTeaCoffee s.r.o.

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact / iTeaCoffee s.r.o.

Address :

Nad štolou 1302/18, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +99
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–4:30PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Praha 7 Holešovice

Nad štolou 1302/18, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia
David McDonnell on Google

Přišel jsem do servisu se záměrem si pouze vyměnit baterii (iPhone SE). V servisu mi tedy vyměnili baterii (800 Kč - 500 Kč za baterii a 300 Kč za servis), nicméně mobil pak přestal fungovat - začal se neustále vypínat a nešlo ho normálně používat. Přišel jsem tedy zpět a oznámil to v servisu a tam mi řekli, že mi tedy vráti 500 Kč za tu baterii, nicméně 300 Kč ne, protože to bylo za tu službu (výměna baterie). Výsledek tedy je, že jsem tam přišel s fungujícím telefonem a oni mi ho rozbili a ještě jsem za to zaplatil 300 Kč. Rozhodně nedoporučuji!
I came to the service shop with the intention of just replacing the battery (iPhone SE). In the service, I replaced the battery (800 CZK - 500 CZK for the battery and 300 CZK for the service), but then the phone stopped working - started to shut down constantly and could not be used normally. So I came back and reported it in the service and there they told me that they would give me 500 CZK for the battery, but 300 CZK not because it was for the service (battery replacement). The result is that I came there with a working phone and they broke it and I paid 300 CZK for it. Definitely not recommended!
Ro Gu on Google

Nejhorší jednání majitelů, které jsem zažil. Při banální výměně klávesnice mého Maca mi poškrábali obrazovku a částečně touchpad. Když jsem si toho všiml a chtěl to s nimi řešit, tak mě nařkli, že jsem si to celé vymyslel a monitor byl poškozen při předání na servis. Oba majitelé aniž by viděli počítač (při předání do servisu) tvrdili, že to již bylo, nicméně počítač při předání neviděli a v předávacím protokolu to od přebírajícího zapsané nebylo. Když jsem požadoval písemné vyjádření, zápis o nahlášení poškození, tak to majitel odmítl. Po dlouhém naléhaní mi ho přislíbil do dalšího dne. Následně mi (asi spolumajitelka) další den předala zápis, kde si vymyslela různá poškození, včetně toho, že počítač byl polit neznámou kapalinou a monitor byl poškrábaný při předání, což rozhodně nebyla pravda. Servis rozhodně NEDOPORUČUJI.
The worst behavior of the owners I have experienced. When I banally replaced my Mac's keyboard, my screen and partly my touchpad were scratched. When I noticed this and wanted to deal with it, they accused me of inventing it all and the monitor was damaged when handed over for service. Without seeing the computer (when handed over to the service), both owners claimed that it was already, however, they did not see the computer during the handover and it was not written in from the transferee in the handover protocol. When I requested a written statement, a record of the damage, the owner refused. After a long insistence, he promised me the next day. Subsequently, the next day (probably the co-owner) handed me a record, where she invented various damages, including the fact that the computer was spilled with an unknown liquid and the monitor was scratched during the handover, which was definitely not true. I definitely DO NOT RECOMMEND service.
Alexandra Šimková on Google

Zkráceně: Dala jsem notebook, který se záhadně nechtěl zapnout, na opravu a za ne malé peníze se mi vrací jako neopravitelný kvůli korozi. Doma mi to nadalo a počítač otevřela sama. Vnitřek byl naprosto čistý. Tak do prodejny volám. Korozi prý vyčistili a odstranili. No, tak to se mi opravdu nezdá. Vzpomněla jsem si na kamaráda, který elektronice tak nějak rozumí. Ten mi po nějaké chvíli počítač vrací, opět funkční s tím, že nepřišel s korozí vůbec do styku a problém byl někde jinde. Problém, který byl opravitelný a dodatečně zadarmo. Opravdu už nevím, co si o těchto firmách myslet. Pěkný den
In short: I put a laptop, which mysteriously did not want to turn on, for repair and for no small money it returns to me as unrepairable due to corrosion. I got it at home and opened the computer on its own. The interior was absolutely clean. So I'm calling the store. They allegedly cleaned and removed the corrosion. Well, I really don't think so. I remembered a friend who somehow understood electronics. After a while, the computer returns to me, functional again, with the fact that it did not come into contact with corrosion at all and the problem was somewhere else. A problem that was fixable and additionally free. I really don't know what to think about these companies anymore. Nice day
Petr Kolář on Google

Měl jsem iPhone s rozbitým audiochipem, řekli, že se to dá opravit tak 50 na 50 a asi se mi vse z mobilu smaže a jeste to bude tak za mesic a draze. v jiném iPhone servisu mi řekli,ze to je běžná věc a bylo to přes víkend hotovo a iPhone zůstal se všemi daty. Absolutně nedoporučuji!!!!!
I had an iPhone with a broken audio chip, they said that it could be repaired 50 to 50 and probably everything will be deleted from my mobile phone and it will be in a month and expensive. in another iPhone service they told me it was a common thing and it was done over the weekend and the iPhone stayed with all the data. Absolutely not recommended !!!!!
ömer Emeksiz on Google

Great service quality, highly recommended
Daniel Belensky on Google

One year ago or more I brought them my iPhone to repair touch sensor, for 800kc or something like that, Repair-man failed to fix it, because some components didn't work, and I was forced to pay 354kc for his attempts to fix it, otherwise they won't give my phone back. Owner yelled at me when I was trying to explain that it doesn't fair. So if they fail in repair job you still own them some money, for attempts. Off course nobody told me, about such small detail in licence agreement. Nice one.
Younes Ben on Google

I toke my iPhone 7 Plus to them after a water damage. After one day they said that the cleaned the phone and that the problem is my screen and it needs to be replaced. I refused and toke my iPhone somewhere else. The new repair shop opened the phone and told me that it was very oxidated and that he dosen't know what the repair shop ( this one ) has done to the phone as its not cleaned at all. They also told me that the screen is fully functional and that it doses not need to be replaced. So i basically saved myself 5,000 CZK from deciding to take my phone to another shop instead of fixing it with these guys. Also , after they "Repaired" my phone , my screen had a small dead pixel at the bottom of the screen that was not there before. They probably put too much pressure on the screen when they were taking it apart. or maybe they replaced my original screen with another broken one. who knows , But I wouldn't recommend them at all.
Vit Rogatkin on Google

i've made a diagnostics of my iphone 6 (650kč) which i dropped to the water. they checked it and concluded a damaged graphics chip (so the telephone can not be repaired). however, they asked me to sell them this 'brick' (for 1000kč) for spare parts mainly because of working display. a friend of mine has the same iphone but with a broken display, so i gave her mine and sent to these service guys. she paid 400kč for replacement but suddenly the display didn't start working! so, ok. they raised about 1000kč for unprofessional service. they even didn't know what has been working what's not.. what a creepy service!

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