Písty - Obecní Úřad

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Contact Písty - Obecní Úřad

Address :

Písty 33, 289 13 Písty, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : https://pisty-nb.cz/
Categories :
City : Písty

Písty 33, 289 13 Písty, Czechia
Vladimír Černý on Google

Anna Štepanova on Google

Anna Procházková on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nejstarší zmínka o obci Písty se datuje do roku 1345, kdy byla vystavěna na soutoku Výrovky a Labe. Zajímavé je, že pohromy třicetileté války a jejich vliv na obec údajně nebyly nikterak tragické, obzvláště ve srovnání s nedalekým Nymburkem. Dřevěný hřbitovní kostel sv. Ducha vzniknul pravděpodobně kolem roku 1595, zrušen byl v roce 1786, možná kvůli zchátralosti, nebo díky tolerančnímu patentu císaře Josefa. Za první republiky se obec stala významným rekreačním letoviskem. Na jihozápadním okraji obce najdete jeden z posledních písečných přesypů v Polabí. Jihozápadním směrem od něj leží Přírodní park Kersko-Bory. The oldest mention of Písty dates back to 1345, when it was built at the confluence of Výrovka and Elbe. Interestingly, the disasters of the Thirty Years' War and its influence on the village was reportedly not tragic, especially when compared to nearby Nymburk. Wooden cemetery church of the Holy Spirit probably originated around 1595, was abolished in 1786, possibly due to decay, or due to the tolerance patent of Emperor Joseph. During the First Republic the village became an important holiday resort. On the southwest outskirts of the village you will find one of the last sand dunes in the Elbe. Kersko-Bory Nature Park lies to the southwest of it. Worth a trip!
The oldest mention of Písty dates back to 1345, when it was built at the confluence of the Výrovka and Elbe. Interestingly, the disasters of the Thirty Years' War and their impact on the village were reportedly not tragic, especially when compared to nearby Nymburk. Wooden cemetery church of st. The ghost probably originated around 1595, was abolished in 1786, possibly due to decay, or due to the tolerance patent of Emperor Joseph. During the First Republic, the village became an important holiday resort. On the southwest outskirts of the village you will find one of the last sand dunes in the Elbe. Kersko-Bory Nature Park lies to the southwest. The oldest mention of Pistons dates back to 1345, when it was built at the confluence of Výrovka and Elbe. Interestingly, the disasters of the Thirty Years' War and its influence on the village was reportedly not tragic, especially when compared to nearby Nymburk. Wooden cemetery church of Holy Spirit probably originated around 1595, was abolished in 1786, possibly due to decay, or due to tolerance patent of Emperor Joseph. During the First Republic the village became an important holiday resort. On the southwest outskirts of the village you will find one of the last sand dunes in the Elbe. Kersko-Bory Nature Park lies to the southwest of it. Worth a trip!

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