Pivotéka DBK

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pivotéka DBK

Address :

Budějovická OC DBK, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Website : http://pivoteka-dbk.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

Budějovická OC DBK, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia
Sabi Violet on Google

Je to zvláštní, ale první co mě zaujalo byly mini zákusky, když nepočítám vizual prodejny??, ale byl večer a byl čas spíš na pivečko, vitamin B je nutno dodržovat ? pěkná prodejna s příjemnou obsluhou.
It's weird, but the first thing that intrigued me were the mini desserts, not counting the visual stores??, but it was evening and it was more time for a beer, vitamin B must be observed ? nice shop with friendly service.
Ondrej Mikláš on Google

Celkom dobrý výber, chodím si sem hlavne po Únětice, ale majú aj zaujímavý výber nemeckých pív. Obsluha je ochotná, pomôže a hlavne sa dá platiť kartou.
Quite a good selection, I come here mainly in Únětice, but they also have an interesting selection of German beers. The staff is helpful, will help and most importantly you can pay by card.
Lukas Light on Google

Příjemné prostředí a velmi kvalitně vzdělaný personál. Lahváče i točený jsou tu opravdu dobré. Díky
Pleasant environment and very well educated staff. Bottles and draft are really good here. Thanks
Michaela Sedliská on Google

Skvělý výběr z produktů malých, ale výborných pivovarů a můžete i ochutnat točené ;)
Great selection of products from small but excellent breweries and you can even taste draft;)
Filip Novák on Google

Nenápadné místo, v budově DBK ho možná ani nenajdete. Ale - mají tu vynikající výběr pivních speciálů jak z Česka, tak ze zahraničí. Navíc tu prodávající suroviny na domácí vaření piva. Plus - vždy několik naražených piv z malých pivovarů. Ceny jsou tu sice vyšší, ale jsme v obchodním centru, jinak to asi ani nejde.
An inconspicuous place, you may not even find it in the DBK building. But - they have an excellent selection of beer specials from both the Czech Republic and abroad. In addition, the seller sells raw materials for home brewing. Plus - always a few tapped beers from small breweries. Prices are higher here, but we are in the shopping center, otherwise it probably is not possible.
Petr Hýbl on Google

Large offer od beers
Fanda Hrubý on Google

Up to 4 beers on tap, a pair of fridges offering small but decent selection of prime Czech craft breweries and a fairly large catalogue of Western European classics. Reasonable prices, great staff, handy location.
Виталий Яндулов on Google

The store follows the news in general, but the price tag is almost one and a half times higher than you can buy in the city. I stopped using their services and became a regular customer from competitors. Update: there is no option to answer to owner so I just add my answer for his question here. Initially, I noticed that your sibeeria stouts cost 155 crowns, while competitors at 110 (for example, basecamp or Pivní rozmanitost - I didn’t want to name specific names, but since you ask ...). Then I noticed that the difference is generally quite visible in many positions. The price tag is about the same as in the Beergeek.

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