Pomníček u Rokytky

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pomníček u Rokytky

Address :

190 00 Praha 9, Czechia

Website : http://www.drobnepamatky.cz/node/13828
Opening hours :
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Categories :
City : Praha

190 00 Praha 9, Czechia
Ondřej Vinš on Google

Máme zde postaveno hezké procházky
Nice walks are built here
bohumil mrazek on Google

Pěkné pietní místo
Nice place of reverence
FILMTEL Spol on Google

Historie Vysočan P-9
History of Vysočany P-9
Tomas Kejla on Google

Zajímavé místo s pomníčkem vztahujícím se ke konci okupace.
An interesting place with a memorial related to the end of the occupation.
Nicolle Bleyerova on Google

Chodíme sem na procházky s pejskem jediný klidný místečko ve Vysočanech.
We go for walks with our dog the only quiet place in Vysočany.
Jirka Krejča on Google

Každý kdo chodí na procházku by se měl zastavit .
Anyone who goes for a walk should stop.
Radovan Klabník on Google

Je dobré nezapomínat a vážit si lidiček co za nás zemřeli abychom měli svobodu.
It is good not to forget and appreciate the people who died for us to have freedom.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Vysočanských obětí Pražského povstání roku 1945 bylo mnoho. Drobný pomníček připomíná za všechny padlé jmenovitě Ladislava Hindla, který zahynul ve věku pouhých 19 let u Rokytky v boji proti německým okupantům 7. května 1945. Byl pohřben 26. května 1945 na Olšanech. Obyvatelé Vysočan se zapojili do boje proti německým okupantům 5. května 1945. Jejich pokusy Němce odzbrojovat na výzvu Českého rozhlasu mívaly tragické následky, protože že ve zdejších továrních halách ČKD byly opravovány nacistické tanky a obrněná vozidla a z toho důvodu měly silnou vojenskou ostrahu. Přesto se podařilo několik opravovaných tanků povstalcům ukořistit. There were many Vysočany victims of the Prague Uprising of 1945. A small monument commemorates namely Ladislav Hindl for all the fallen, who died at the age of only 19 near the Rokytka brook in the fight against the German occupiers on May 7, 1945. He was buried on May 26, 1945 in Olšany cemetery. The inhabitants of Vysočany joined the fight against the German occupiers on May 5, 1945. Their attempts to disarm the Germans at the urging of Czech Radio had tragic consequences, because Nazi tanks and armored vehicles were repaired in the local factory halls of the ČKD factory and therefore had strong military security. Nevertheless, several repaired tanks were captured by the insurgents.
There were many Vysočany victims of the Prague Uprising of 1945. A small monument commemorates Ladislav Hindl for all the fallen, who died at the age of only 19 near Rokytka in the fight against the German occupiers on May 7, 1945. He was buried on May 26, 1945 in Olšany. The inhabitants of Vysočany joined the fight against the German occupiers on May 5, 1945. Their attempts to disarm the Germans at the urging of Czech Radio had tragic consequences, because Nazi tanks and armored vehicles were repaired in the local factory halls of the CKD and therefore had strong military security. Nevertheless, several repaired tanks were captured by the insurgents. There were many Vysočany victims of the Prague Uprising of 1945. A small monument commemorates namely Ladislav Hindl for all the fallen, who died at the age of only 19 near the Rokytka brook in the fight against the German occupiers on May 7, 1945. He was buried on May 26, 1945 in Olšany cemetery. The inhabitants of Vysočany joined the fight against the German occupiers on May 5, 1945. Their attempts to disarm the Germans at the urging of Czech Radio had tragic consequences, because Nazi tanks and armored vehicles were repaired in the local factory halls of the ČKD factory and therefore had strong military security. Nevertheless, several repaired tanks were captured by the insurgents.

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