Pomník Bedřicha Smetany

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Contact Pomník Bedřicha Smetany

Address :

J. Hory, 272 01 Kladno, Czechia

Categories :
City : Kladno

J. Hory, 272 01 Kladno, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Ve Dvořákových sadech nedaleko vchodu do divadla narazíte na bronzovou sochu od sochaře Jaroslava Volfa, člena pěveckého spolku Smetana. Byla odlita ve slévárně barevných kovů J. Červenky. Pomník "nesmrtelnému mistrovi" nechal postavit pěvecký sbor Smetana. Při slavnostním odhalení byl přítomen také hudební skladatel Josef Bohuslav Foerster. Autorem terénních úprav okolo pomníku stavitel Vilém Procházka. In Dvořák's park near the theater main entrance you will find a bronze sculpture by the sculptor Jaroslav Volf, a member of the Smetana Singing Society. It was cast in the non-ferrous metal foundry of J. Červenka. The Smetana Choir ordered the building of the monument to the "Immortal Master". During the ceremonial revelation also the composer Josef Bohuslav Foerster was present. The author of landscaping around the monument is the builder Vilém Procházka.
In Dvořák Park near the entrance to the theater you will find a bronze statue by sculptor Jaroslav Volf, a member of the Smetana Choir. It was cast in a non-ferrous metal foundry by J. Červenka. The monument to the "immortal master" was built by the Smetana choir. The composer Josef Bohuslav Foerster was also present at the ceremonial unveiling. The author of the landscaping around the monument builder Vilém Procházka. In Dvořák's park near the theater main entrance you will find a bronze sculpture by sculptor Jaroslav Volf, a member of the Smetana Singing Society. It was cast in the non-ferrous metal foundry of J. Cervenka. The Smetana Choir ordered the building of the monument to the "Immortal Master". Josef Bohuslav Foerster was also present during the ceremonial revelation. The author of landscaping around the monument is the builder Vilém Procházka.
Мгер Симонян on Google

Рядом с Городским театром Кладно, в углублении тенистой аллеи, расположен памятник Бедржиха Сметаны - выдающегося чешского композитора, пианиста и дирижёра, основоположника чешской национальной композиторской школы. Статуя отлита на литейном заводе цветных металлов имени Червенко. Церемония торжественного открытия этой бронзовой скульптуры состоялась 25 октября 1936 году. Её автором является скульптор Ярослав Вольф. Ландшафтный дизайн вокруг памятника был спроектирован Вилемом Прохазкой. Сам памятник бессмертному Маэстро был построен на средства хора Сметаны. И сегодня этот скромный памятник, покрытый от времени патиной, невольно притягивает взор прохожих. Кажется, что великий композитор уединился в глубине парка и обдумывает свое очередное гениальное произведение.
Near the Kladno Municipal Theater, in the deepening of the shady alley, there is a monument to Bedřich Smetana - an outstanding Czech composer, pianist and conductor, the founder of the Czech national composer school. The statue is cast at the Chervenko non-ferrous metal foundry. The grand opening ceremony of this bronze sculpture took place on October 25, 1936. Its author is the sculptor Yaroslav Wolf. The landscape design around the monument was designed by Willem Prochazka. The monument itself to the immortal Maestro was built at the expense of the Smetana choir. And today this modest monument, covered with a patina from time to time, involuntarily attracts the eyes of passers-by. It seems that the great composer has secluded himself in the depths of the park and is considering his next ingenious work.

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