Pomník Winstona Churchilla - Praha 3

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pomník Winstona Churchilla

Address :

Praha 3,130 00, Czechia

Postal code : 130
Categories :

Praha 3,130 00, Czechia
Eva Jordan on Google

Socha Winstona Churchilla stojí uprostřed stejnojmenného náměstí. Je to přesná kopie sochy irského sochaře Ivora Roberts-Jonese, která stojí v Londýně na Parlamentním náměstí. Odhalení se zúčastnila baronka Margaret Thatcherová.
The statue of Winston Churchill stands in the middle of the square of the same name. It's an exact copy of the statue of Irish sculptor Ivora Roberts-Jones, who stands in London on Parliament Square. The revelation was attended by Baroness Margaret Thatcher.
Lucie Hrzánová on Google

Je tu příjemné posezení ve stínu ovšem musite vychytat čas kdy není kolem spousta zapáchajících bezdomovců ?
There is a pleasant sitting in the shade, but you have to catch time when there are not a lot of stinking homeless people ?
Jaroslav Šembera on Google

Celkem příjemné prostředí na Žižkově.
Quite a pleasant environment in Žižkov.
Dame La Mano on Google

Socha je dominantou stejnojmenného náměstí. Na pozorovatele působí opravdu dojmem respektu a odhodlanosti. Je v nadživotní velikosti.
The statue dominates the square of the same name. The observer really gives the impression of respect and determination. It is larger than life.
Sasha Marko on Google

Памятник великому политику и лидеру британской нации, неоднозначной личности и художнику, страшному грубияну и безпощадному курителю, выпивохе и политической задире, победителю и миротворцу, хриплому старцу и бравому солдату, верному своей отчизне и преданному служителю своего народа и её величеству - Сэру Уинстону Леонарду Спенсеру Черчиллю!!!
Monument to the great politician and leader of the British nation, an ambiguous personality and artist, a terrible brute and a merciless smoker, a drunkard and a political bully, a winner and a peacemaker, a hoarse old man and a brave soldier, faithful to his homeland and a devoted servant of his people and her majesty - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill!!!
Ivan Bok on Google

Narozdíl od mnoha novodobých pražských pomníků opravdu zdařilý.
Unlike many modern Prague monuments, it is really successful.
macedonboy on Google

This monument stands in tribute to Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister who lead the United Kingdom through the Second World War. This monument features a bronze sculpture atop a pedestal. The pedestal is made of stone and is engraved with the world CHURCHILL. The sculpture of the made would not look out of place even in the UK. It depicts Churchill as an elderly man wearing a buttoned up long coat, with a grumpy look on his face. The sculpture also shows Churchill using a walking stick to support himself, clearing indicating the depiction of Churchill in his twilight years. The monument is a little out of place opposite a Trade Union office, but sadly it’s also well away from the main tourist circuit, to the north east of Prague Central Station.
Neo Matrix on Google

Well, is a meeting point where I volunteer to distribute food and clothes to homeless people. Every Saturday 4pm.

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