Postoloprty Chateau

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Postoloprty Chateau

Address :

Mírové nám. 1, 439 42 Postoloprty, Czechia

Categories :
City : Postoloprty

Mírové nám. 1, 439 42 Postoloprty, Czechia
Margaretha Kouba on Google

Nepřístupné. Chátrající.
Inaccessible. Dilapidated.
Zdenek Trojanek on Google

Dávám 3 hvězdy, z důvodu následujícího: 1. Kdyby byl opravený byl by mnohem hezčí (to ale víme všichni). 2. Majitel je absolutně neschopný něco vyjednat. 3. Prakticky s nikým se očividně bavit nehodlá. 4. Ze zámku by chtěl udělat obytnou budovu ve stylu Domu pro důchodce. Shoda mi vyšla a vzhled a potenciál zámku mi dal 5 ✴️ a majitel to snížil na 3. Je to velká škoda. ?
I give 3 stars because of the following: 1. Had he been repaired he would have been much nicer (but we all know that). 2. The owner is absolutely unable to negotiate something. 3. Apparently he's not going to talk to anyone. 4. He would like to make the castle a residential building in the style of the Retirement Home. The match came out and the look and potential of the lock gave me 5 ✴️ and the owner reduced it to 3. It's a shame. ?
Eliška Kasinová on Google

... smutný pohled na chátrající zavřený zámek
... sad look at the dilapidated closed castle
Zápisník Tuláka on Google

Dominanta, při příchodu od Března krásně viditelný...leč ve stavu hrozném...škoda ho, využití by se jistě našlo
Dominant, beautifully visible on arrival from March ... but in a terrible state ... it's a pity, the use would certainly be found
Jiri Randa on Google

Od roku 2004 zámek patřil italskému majiteli a chátral. V říjnu 2021 byl odkoupen městem Postoloprty. Uváděná je cena 13 400 000 korun. Záchrana se snad podaří. ... Zámek upravený do barokní podoby v osmnáctém století je památkově chráněn.
Since 2004, the castle belonged to the Italian owner and fell into disrepair. In October 2021 it was bought by the town of Postoloprty. The price is 13,400,000 crowns. The rescue will hopefully succeed. ... The castle, adapted to a Baroque appearance in the eighteenth century, is a protected monument.
Europe Trips Channel on Google

Na dálničním sjezdu č. 56 dálnice D7 leží Postoloprty. Zdejší zámek je kulturně chráněným objektem, ale vypadá to spíše tak, že co nevidět spadne. Z jedné strany je město lemováno železnicí a z druhé chmelnicemi.
Postoloprty is located at the motorway exit No. 56 of the D7 motorway. The local castle is a culturally protected object, but it looks more like it will fall apart. On one side the city is bordered by railways and on the other by hop gardens.
Marketa iop on Google

Krásná stavba, musel to být krásný zámek. Nyní ruina, bude potřeba hodně peněz, šikovných lidí a spousty času.
Beautiful building, it must have been a beautiful castle. Now a ruin, it will take a lot of money, clever people and a lot of time.
Stuart Cook on Google

This chateau was in its day no doubt a wonderful and proud building. Nowadays, however, it's in a poor state of disrepair. Windows are bricked up, there are holes in the roof, and façade and brickwork are crumbling. Needless to say, it's no longer open to visitors (I can only imagine the state of the interior of the building). However, by walking around the grounds of the building (which are still accessible), visitors can get an idea of the place's former glories and perhaps try to imagine happier times of opulence and grandeur.

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