Praha-Krč - Před Nádražím

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Praha-Krč

Address :

Před Nádražím, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Postal code : 140
Categories :
City : Praha

Před Nádražím, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia
Tomáš Zeman on Google

Nejlepší léta má toto místo již za sebou, ošuntělá stanice, bez pokladny..
This place has been around for the best years, shabby station, no cash register ..
Zdena Horova on Google

Stanice skoro bez informací.fuj! Posprejovaná a hnusná
Station almost without information.fuj! Sprayed and disgusting
Jan Böhm on Google

Nádraží nedaleko sídliště
Railway station near the housing estate
Pavel Reich on Google

Nepříliš pohledné nádraží
Not very nice station
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Tady se zastavil čas v 80. letech minulého století, což je ale pochopitelné, protože tato část Prahy by se dala charakterizovat jako "území nikoho". Oblast bývalého centra Dolní Krče musela v osmdesátých letec ustoupit výstavbě silniční Jižní spojky a dnes se nachází prakticky mimo místní zástavbu. Železniční stanice leží na trati Praha - Vrané nad Vltavou - Čerčany/Dobříš. Nezajišťuje odbavení, to se provádí až ve vlaku. Přístup do budovy stanice (včetně přístřešku) navíc není bezbariérový, stejně tak přístup na nástupiště. Současná nádražní budova má to nejlepší dávno za sebou a vypadá to, že ji dráhy pronajímají soukromníkům. Údajně je plánovaná její demolice. Time has frozen here in the era of 1980s, which is understandable, because this part of Prague could be characterized as "no man's land". The area of the former center of Dolní Krč had to give way to the construction of the road of the South Junction in the 1980s, and today it is practically out of local development. The railway station is located on the line Prague - Vrané nad Vltavou - Čerčany/Dobříš. It does not provide check-in, that could be done on the train only. In addition, access to the station building (including the shelter in case of rain) is not barrier-free, as is access to the platform. The current station building has its best long ago, and it looks like the Czech Railway Company are rented it out to private individuals. Its demolition is reportedly planned.
Time stood still here in the 1980s, which is understandable, because this part of Prague could be characterized as "no man's land". The area of ​​the former center of Dolní Krč had to give way to the construction of the South Junction road in the 1980s, and today it is practically outside the local development. The railway station is located on the line Prague - Vrané nad Vltavou - Čerčany / Dobříš. It does not provide check-in, it is done only on the train. In addition, access to the station building (including the shed) is not barrier-free, as is access to the platform. The current station building has had its best for a long time and it looks like the tracks are rented out to private individuals. Its demolition is reportedly planned. Time has frozen here in the era of 1980s, which is understandable, because this part of Prague could be characterized as "no man's land". The area of ​​the former center of Dolní Krč had to give way to the construction of the road of the South Junction in the 1980s, and today it is practically out of local development. The railway station is located on the line Prague - Vrané nad Vltavou - Čerčany / Dobříš. It does not provide check-in, that could be done on the train only. In addition, access to the station building (including the shelter in case of rain) is not barrier-free, as is access to the platform. The current station building has its best long ago, and it looks like the Czech Railway Company are rented it out to private individuals. Its demolition is reportedly planned.
Petr Fuksa on Google

Jedno z nejhorších a nejvíce nebezpečných nádraží v Praze. Za poslední půlstoletí zde nebylo nic investováno, ani uklízeno. Nádraží nesplňuje standardy 21. století. Je bariérové a neobsahuje žádné prvky digitalizace v podobě informační tabule. Vždy je to taková loterie, na jakou kolej vlak přijede, a to s nutností hazardního přebíhání kolejí. Na nádraží taktéž chybí jakékoliv podchody. Je to ostuda Správy železnic, že něco nechá dojít až do takového tristního stavu.
One of the worst and most dangerous railway stations in Prague. Nothing has been invested or cleaned up in the last half century. The station does not meet the standards of the 21st century. It is a barrier and does not contain any elements of digitization in the form of an information board. It is always the lottery on which the train arrives, with the need to run over the tracks in a hazardous way. There are also no subways at the station. It is a shame for the Railway Administration to let something happen to such a sad state.
Carlo Hudratore on Google

Karel Drska on Google

Great station, if you want to see how socialist stations used to look like. 2 train lines go through this station and it’s quite handy.

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