Prestige Club M.U.Z.A. - Dlouhá tř. 19

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Prestige Club M.U.Z.A.

Address :

Dlouhá tř. 19, 736 01 Havířov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Postal code : 736
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 8PM–6AM
Saturday 8PM–6AM
Categories :
City : Havířov

Dlouhá tř. 19, 736 01 Havířov, Czechia
mirek kofar on Google

Lituji toho, že tohle je jediný aktivní klub v tomhle městě. Pan "Dj" by měl dát výpověď, protože ty písničky které hraje, nemají co v moderním klubu dělat.
I regret this is the only active club in this town. Mr. "Dj" should quit because the songs he plays have nothing to do in a modern club.
Olha Hutsol on Google

hrozný klub. Pokud jste v dobré náladě a chcete tancovat v baru, pak to tady není, budete hlídači vyloučeni z klubu. Můj manžel upustil peněženku. Pouze naši přátelé to dokázali vzít a všechny peníze z toho zmizely. Pokud jste cizinec, nechodte na toto místo.
terrible club. If you are in a good mood and want to dance in the bar, then it is not here, you will be expelled from the club. My husband dropped his wallet. Only our friends were able to take it and all the money disappeared from it. If you are a stranger, do not go to this place.
Flexy98 on Google

Netřeba slov, Havířov se vyhýbá pokroku a revoluce, všechno při starém když to funguje... zatím není na výběr. Pokud je nuda a chcete se bavit v centru Havířova nemáte skoro na výběr. Doporučuji se podívat, ale nic moc od toho nečekejte. Některým lidem stačí málo.
Needless to say, Havířov avoids progress and revolution, everything in the old way when it works ... there is no choice yet. If you are bored and want to have fun in the center of Havířov, you have almost no choice. I recommend you take a look, but don't expect much from it. For some people, little is enough.
Jana Vlach on Google

Možná jsem měla štěstí, ale pokud jsme se s partou přesunuli do Prestige, zapomněli jsme, že už nám není 20, ale 40. Aktuální hity, výborné polosuché víno a podobné ročníky návštěvníků. DJ zahraje za drink cokoliv. Tu poslední hvězdu nedám za to, že jsme tam potkali burany, kteří si tam zapálili a nebo smrděli. Ale to asi ochranka "nepodchytí" !Vždy v pátek! V sobotu jsou tam mlaďoši!
Maybe I was lucky, but when we moved to Prestige with the group, we forgot that we are not 20, but 40. Current hits, excellent semi-dry wine and similar years of visitors. DJ will play anything for a drink. I'm not going to give the last star that we met there weirds who lit or stinked there. But it probably does not catch the security Every Friday! There are young on Saturday!
Lukáš Kubíček on Google

Asi jediný klub v Havířově kde chodí alepoň trochu starší lidé, podle toho zde taky hrajou. Pod 18 zde nepustí to beru jako jedinou výhodu jinak průměr. Vyhazovači jsou často celkem agresivní a končí to sanitkou apod.
Probably the only club in Havířov where at least a little older people go, according to that they also play here. Under 18 here I do not take it as the only advantage otherwise the average. Bouncers are often quite aggressive and it ends in an ambulance, etc.
Nicki Pěruň on Google

Skvělí Dj,příjemná,rychlá obsluha,velký výběr alkoholu i drinků. Nejlepší místo pro pobavení a nejlepší klub v Havířově. 100% spokojenost .Už se moc těšíme,až se otevře. ♥
Great DJ, pleasant, fast service, a large selection of alcohol and drinks. The best place for fun and the best club in Havířov. 100% satisfaction. We are already looking forward to it opening. ♥
Michaela Slapanska on Google

Klub i obsluha by byl fajn, ale bohuzel jsme pokazde byli zhrozeni z DJs. Pousti pisnicky, ktere na sebe stylove absolutne nenavazuji, bez jakykoliv prechodu a ztlumuje hudbu ve chvilich, kdy se to vazne nehodi…a jeste sekane. Docela to kazi cely zazitek z klubu…precejen si chce clovek zatancovat a spis se u toho rozcili. Kdyby vymenili Dj, tak je to moc fajn misto. Obsluha je ale mila
The club and staff would be nice, but unfortunately we were always terrified of DJs. Let go of songs that do not follow each other in style, without any transition and mutes the music in moments when it doesn't really fit and are still chopped. It spoils the whole experience of the club - the person wants to dance and the file was upset. If they change DJs, it's a very nice place. But the staff is nice
Jiri Gajdacek on Google

If you are looking for a good place to have fun and enjoy drinks, this is definitely not it. They offer 3 different types of beer, but have only one. Beer on tap is about 40czk. Beer is for a person who loves beer warm, I would thing, that there must be some specific temperature it should have. So after that I ordered my favourite American beer Corona extra. 79czk. It was warm as well. If you look around club, it is nasty. Alcohol shelves are not stocked, it consists of 3, 4 types each and about 5 bottles of that specific brand, it is not in order and shelves are dusty. There is dust everywhere. I would not recommend this place to anyone. Period.

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