Psí louka - Bubeneč

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Psí louka

Address :

Královská obora, 170 00, Bubeneč, Praha 7, Czechia

Postal code : 7
Categories :

Královská obora, 170 00, Bubeneč, Praha 7, Czechia
Odette-Elódia Blanc on Google

Marta Hruba on Google

Příjemné místo.
Nice place.
Václav Urban on Google

Pro psy je to fantazie
It's a fantasy for dogs
Markéta Vojanová on Google

Velká plocha pro venčení psů a dětí.
Large area for walking dogs and children.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Dostatečně velká louka není rozhodně jediným místem v parku, kde se mohou psi volně pohybovat. Pokud radši chodíte, než byste zůstávali na jednom místě, dá se využít pěkný a nenáročný výlet kolem severní části parku. Když projdete pod železničním viaduktem v severozápadním cípu psí louky, pod pahorkem Pecka odbočte až za slepé rameno Vltavy (Malá říčka). Podél plotu tenisových kurtů a Malé říčky se bez vodítka dostanete až k plavebnímu kanálu Vltavy. Podél řeky projdete až na východní cíp louky s grilovacími piknikovými místy, i tam platí volný pohyb psů. Když se dáte za druhým (východním) viaduktem doprava, projdete nádherným kusem Stromovky zpět na psí louku. Poslední úsek cesty je nejen skutečně krásný, ale i trochu stranou zájmů turistů, i mnoha místních. Sufficiently large meadow is definitely not the only place in the park where dogs can move freely. If you prefer to walk rather than stay in one place, you can take a nice and unpretentious trip around the northern part of the Stromovka park. When you pass under a railway viaduct in the northwest corner of a dog meadow, turn below the Pecka Hill until you reach the blind arm of the Vltava (called Small River). Along the tennis courts fencing and the Little River you can reach the Vltava canal without a leash. Along the river you will walk up to the eastern tip of the meadow with barbecue picnic spots, and there is free movement of dogs there too. If you turn right behind the second (eastern) viaduct, you will walk through a beautiful piece of Stromovka tree back to the dog meadow. The last part of the journey is not only truly beautiful, but also a bit out of the interest of tourists and many local people, so you won´t find a crowds there.
A sufficiently large meadow is definitely not the only place in the park where dogs can move freely. If you prefer to walk rather than stay in one place, you can take a nice and undemanding trip around the northern part of the park. When you walk under the railway viaduct at the north-western tip of the dog meadow, turn under the Pecka hill past the blind arm of the Vltava (Malá říčka). Along the fence of tennis courts and the Small River, you can reach the Vltava canal without a guide. Along the river you walk to the eastern tip of the meadow with barbecue picnic areas, and there the free movement of dogs. When you turn right behind the second (eastern) viaduct, you will walk through a beautiful piece of Stromovka back to the dog meadow. The last section of the trip is not only really beautiful, but also a little out of the interests of tourists and many locals. Sufficiently large meadow is definitely not the only place in the park where dogs can move freely. If you prefer to walk rather than stay in one place, you can take a nice and unpretentious trip around the northern part of the Stromovka park. When you pass under a railway viaduct in the northwest corner of a dog meadow, turn below the Pecka Hill until you reach the blind arm of the Vltava (called Small River). Along the tennis courts fencing and the Little River you can reach the Vltava canal without a leash. Along the river you will walk up to the eastern tip of the meadow with barbecue picnic spots, and there is free movement of dogs there too. If you turn right behind the second (eastern) viaduct, you will walk through a beautiful piece of Stromovka tree back to the dog meadow. The last part of the journey is not only truly beautiful, but also a bit out of the interest of tourists and many local people, so you won´t find a crowds there.
Ivana Christophová on Google

Psí louka v příjemném prostředí Stromovky, příležitost k socializaci pejska i majitele ?
Dog meadow in a pleasant environment Stromovka, an opportunity to socialize the dog and the owner ?
Tashi Erml on Google

Louka je sice pěkná a velká, ale není z žádné strany oplocená, dokonce ani tam, kde pár desítek metrů od kraje vede železniční trať. Také není zrovna ideální, že se přímo na louce nachází dětské hřiště. Louka je tak určená spíše vychovanějším psům, než těm, které je potřeba teprve v klidu cvičit.
The meadow is nice and large, but it is not fenced on either side, even where a few dozen meters from the edge of the railway line. Also, it is not ideal that there is a playground on the meadow. The meadow is intended for more well-behaved dogs than for those who need to exercise at rest.
Adam Sirota on Google

Super miesto na venčenie psa, kde stretnete veľa psov a príjemných psíčkarov.
Great place to walk the dog, where you will meet a lot of dogs and nice dogs.

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