Půjčovna SkiResort Live rental - Černohorská 265

2.3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Půjčovna SkiResort Live rental

Address :

Černohorská 265, 542 25 Janské Lázně, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88889
Postal code : 542
Website : https://leto.skiresort.cz/letni-aktivity/
Opening hours :
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Categories :
City : Janské Lázně

Černohorská 265, 542 25 Janské Lázně, Czechia
Jaroslav Ducheček on Google

Pozor na půjčovnu! Půjčují sáňky v nekvalitním stavu a pokud se pod vámi po cestě rozpadnou, chtěli by je nejraději ještě zaplatit. Před půjčením si důkladně prohlédněte sáně a nebojte se upozornit na vady. Je lepší to řešit dříve než později řešit zdlouhavé reklamace a dohadovat se s nimi.
Beware of rental! They rent sledges in poor quality and if they fall apart under you along the way, they would like to pay for them. Before renting, inspect the sled carefully and do not be afraid to point out defects. It is better to deal with lengthy complaints sooner than to deal with them later.
Sabča K on Google

Chvíli jsme hledali, než jsme půjčovnu našli. Je to sportovní obchod s půjčovnou, tak ať to neminete jako my. Pán byl velice ochotný, zkontroloval s námi koloběžky i přilby a vysvětlil nám, na co si dát pozor. Poradil nám i vhodnou trasu. Za mě pecka :)
We searched for a while before we found a rental. It's a sports shop with a rental shop, so don't miss it like we do. The Lord was very willing, he checked the scooters and helmets with us and explained to us what to look out for. He also advised us on a suitable route. For me peckka :)

Watch out for tricky things: 1. When you take the whole ski set you pay 675 CZK for the test skis rental daily. But only for a set with boots and ski sticks. But when we rented skis and ski sticks without boots it turned out to be 675 CZK + 90 CZK for the ski sticks as it is not a set! So we could take the boots even if we did not need them just to pay less… 2. They take the deposit of 5000 CZK per test skis. We took two skis so 10000 CZK was blocked on the debit card. But it turned out that it was not a deposit like in car rental companies but they just deducted it from the account and the turned back so it’s like buying something in foreign currency and then getting it back with bank comission for the spread. We lost 220 PLN (around 50 EUR) just because of that which was nearly the same that we paid for a daily rental for two pairs of skis. Ridicolous!

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