Residence Safari Resort - Chateu

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Residence Safari Resort - Chateu

Address :

Hluboká u Borovan 26, 373 12 Borovany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7787
Website :
Categories :
City : Borovany

Hluboká u Borovan 26, 373 12 Borovany, Czechia
jandiseq on Google

Resort jsem navštívil s rodinou + přáteli a jejich dětmi.... Ubytování v bungalovu moc hezké, v zadním pokoji nebylo topení pouze malý přímotop a jelikož s námi cestovalo tříměsíční dítě hodnotím tohle negativně...resort moc hezký.Ofroud jízda zážitek. Velké zklamání bylo bistro.... Smažené mražené hranolky apod... Snídaně každý den stejná.... Na jídlo se musí bohužel jinam... Celkově doporučuji resort navštívit.
I visited the resort with family + friends and their children .... Accommodation in the bungalow very nice, in the back room was not heating only a small heater and since he traveled with us a three-month-old child evaluates this negatively ... resort very nice.Ofroud ride experience. The big disappointment was the bistro .... Fried frozen fries, etc ... Breakfast is the same every day .... Unfortunately, the food has to be different ... Overall, I recommend visiting the resort.
Karolína Karolína on Google

První dojem perfektní,pokoje krásné, čisté. Bistro fajn, obsluha zde mila. Offroad jízda parádní, dětské hřiště také. Ovšem 1.noc jsme potřebovali vyměnit povlečení a nastal problém. Kontaktní telefon jeden nedostupný, druhý nikdo nezvedal. Po cca 40 min paní volala s tím, že nemohla mluvit neboť uspávala děti a že v resortu nikde nikdo není, tedy že máme spát v nepovlecenem, že v tom nevidí problém ani důvod kvůli tomuto volat. Nakonec jsme dostali po peripetiích náhradní pokoj, kde neodtekalo umyvadlo. Paní na telefonu řekla, že se za námi ráno staví na snídani. Nepřišla, naháněli jsme ji sami. Nakonec se povedlo a paní to opravila, ale měli jsme pocit, že ji velmi obtěžujeme. Pokud by tato situace nenastala hodnotím 5*, bohužel hotel není připraven, ne se vším může pomoci elektronický průvodce Alfred.
First impression perfect, rooms beautiful, clean. Bistro nice, service here nice. Offroad ride great, playground too. However, the first night we needed to change the sheets and there was a problem. Contact phone one unavailable, the other no one answered. After about 40 minutes, the lady called, saying that she could not speak because she had put the children to sleep and that there was no one anywhere in the resort, that is, that we should sleep in the open, that they saw no problem or reason to call. In the end, we got a spare room after the vicissitudes, where the sink did not drain. The lady said on the phone that she was stopping by for breakfast in the morning. She didn't come, we chased her alone. In the end, it worked out and the lady fixed it, but we felt that we were bothering her a lot. If this situation does not occur, I rate 5 *, unfortunately the hotel is not ready, not with everything can help the electronic guide Alfred.
Vladimír Skrceny on Google

Do tohoto resortu jsme přijeli v osmi lidech, dvě děti zbytek jako ozbrojený doprovod s téměř kapesním štěkátkem v červnu 2021. Vstupné jsme zaplatily přes internet, aby jsme měli v danou dobu zaručenou prohlídku. Bohužel na stránkách nebyla informace o tom, že psi ať už jakéhokoliv vzrůstu nesmí dovnitř i když resortem projíždíte. Po příjezdu jsem na pokladně sdělil požadavek na vrácení vstupného za jednu osobu která musela zůstat venku se psem. Bylo mi sděleno, že pouze elektronicky. No zkrátím to, do dnešního dne jsem se nedočkal vrácení peněz za vstupné. Nutit někomu upomínkový dárek místo vrácení peněz mi nepřijde zrovna fér. Vnitřní část resortu byla pěkná, ale upřímně bych vynechal tu část s divokými prasaty obzvlášť pokud jsou u nás přemnožená. Co se týká občerstvení v resortu tak před vjezdem ke zvířátkům je restaurace. Jídlo bylo k podivu obstojné, ale v den naší návštěvy kdy bylo parno a velký počet lidí tak čekání na jídlo ve frontě jak u stánku na nádraží byl opruz. Možná by stálo investovat do obsluhy. Obsluha byla možná asi pouze ve vnitřní části restaurace, kdy ani nevím jestli tam byla klimatizace, ale asi ne, protože všichni lidi seděli venku. A šťastlivci u stolu kde byl slunečník což bylo hodně málo. Podtrženo sečteno lidí jako máku, zvířata super, restaurace se zahrádkou tragédie, záchody katastrofa prospěl by jim častější úklid.
We came to this resort in eight people, two children the rest as an armed escort with an almost pocket barking in June 2021. We paid the entrance fee via the Internet to have a guaranteed tour at the time. Unfortunately, there was no information on the website that dogs of any size may not enter even if you are passing through the resort. Upon arrival, I told the cashier to request a refund for one person who had to stay outside with the dog. I was told only electronically. Well, I'll cut it short, to this day I haven't received a refund for admission. Making someone a souvenir instead of a refund doesn't seem fair to me. The inner part of the resort was nice, but I would honestly miss the part with wild pigs, especially if they are overpopulated in our country. As for refreshments in the resort, there is a restaurant before entering the animals. The food was surprisingly good, but on the day of our visit when it was steamy and a large number of people were waiting for food in line as there was a spring at the station stall. It might be worthwhile to invest in service. The staff was probably only in the inner part of the restaurant, when I don't even know if there was air conditioning, but probably not, because all the people were sitting outside. And lucky at the table where there was a parasol which was very little. Underlined the number of people like poppies, animals super, restaurants with tragedy gardens, toilets disaster would benefit them more frequent cleaning.
Jan Maurer on Google

Nice place, conforrable accommodation, good burger's and lots of activities for children.
Radek Svoboda on Google

Aneta Nedvedova on Google

zuzana klausova on Google

Renata Prudencio on Google

Given the price, three stars. Otherwise 2. We stayed in the Bison Lodge and the room was nice indeed: clean and modern. But it was full of flies - we had to kill all of them and keep the windows and doors to the opened area closed all the time, including the one from the toilet, but that didn't bother us that much as it was a bit cold. The main problem was the restaurant there. There was very limited options for breakfast, they said it is opened from 8 to10 am, we arrived no later than 8h30 in the first day and there were quite few options left. The food was opened in fresh air to be taken, and all of them had flies over it.Disappointing. We tried to give a chance to the dinner there, same thing. It was informed that it closes at 9 pm and we arrived at 7 pm. Few options again, as the waiter said the kitchen had already closed at 6:15 pm for the day. We ordered what was available and my boyfriend was really disappointed that the famous bison burger wasn't. We were eating when they starting removing the tables, chairs, brooming the place all around us. Later when she came to pick up the plates, the waitress apologized for the mess but if she would've told us when we arrived that they needed to clean the place at that time, we would not even have ordered. They were organizing the place for a wedding event that would be held on the next day, what made the break fast on the morning to be eating in the hotel corridor, few tables all closed together in the middle of COVID-19 social distance restrictions. For that, as all the tables were full, we had to take the food and eat in the bedroom as we didn't see any other option to eat comfortably.

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