Restaurace pod Císařem

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Restaurace pod Císařem

Address :

Ostrov 10, 403 36 Tisá, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
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Categories :
City : Tisá

Ostrov 10, 403 36 Tisá, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Restaurace Pod Císařem nás v určitém smyslu "zachránila", protože se objevila zrovna ve chvíli, kdy začalo pršet na našem výletě ze Sněžníku na Tiské skály. Jen co jsme našli místo na zastřešené terase, déšť se proměnil v průtrž mračen, a tohle počasí nás potrápilo přes 90 minut. Za tu dobu jsme zjistili, že ne všechno zde funguje tak, jak je popisováno na webových stránkách, ale upřímně: zdaleka nešlo o nepříjemný zážitek, kterého se nám dostalo na turisticky mnohem frekventovanějších místech ve vyšší cenové kategorii. Vidíte snahu, jen je někde ne úplně dotažená, ale co my víme o celkové ekonomické situaci zdejších provozovatelů? Obsluha se snažila a byla příjemná, i když pozapomněla na to, že jsme všechno platili ihned na místě po objednání, ale to se může stát. Jsme jen lidi. Chtěli jsme si dát i jídlo, ale poté, co se nebe změnilo v šedý polštář, ze kterého vytrvale pršelo, jsme si to rozmysleli. Prvních 15 minut zaplnili restauraci další nešťastníci překvapeni deštěm, poté dokonce přijela skupina 25 turistů a my radši úplně vzdali objednávku a jen drželi palce obsluze, protože dodnes nemáme tušení, kam se ti lidé natěsnali a jakou divočinu obsluha musela mít. Přesto jsme na terase zažili pěkné chvilky. Restaurant "Pod Císařem" saved us in a certain sense because it appeared just when the rain began to fall on our trip from Snežník table mountain to the Tiské Rocks. As soon as we found a place on the roofed terrace the rain turned into a downpour and this weather had tormented us for over 90 minutes. In the meantime we have found that not everything works as described on the website but honestly: it was far from the unpleasant experience we had in much more frequented tourist destinations with the higher price category. You see the effort, but not quite fulfiled in some way, but what do we know about the overall economic situation of the local operators? The service was tnice, even though she had forgotten that we paid everything immediately on the spot after ordering, but that could happen. We're just human. We wanted to order some food, but after the sky changed into a gray pillow from which it was constantly raining, we changed our minds. The first 15 minutes filled the restaurant with other unfortunate people surprised by the rain, then even a group of 25 tourists arrived, and we'd rather give up the order and just keep the thumbs up, because we still had no idea how things could work inside, but still we had a nice time on the terrace.
The restaurant Pod Císařem "saved" us in a sense, because it appeared just when it started to rain on our trip from Sněžník to Tiské skály. As soon as we found a place on the covered terrace, the rain turned into a burst of clouds, and this weather bothered us for over 90 minutes. During that time, we found out that not everything here works as described on the website, but honestly: it was far from an unpleasant experience that we got in the much more frequented places in the higher price category. You see the effort, it's just not fully tightened somewhere, but what do we know about the overall economic situation of the local operators? The service tried and was pleasant, although she forgot that we paid everything on the spot after ordering, but it can happen. We're just people. We also wanted to have food, but after the sky turned into a gray pillow from which it was raining steadily, we changed our minds. The first 15 minutes were filled with other unfortunates surprised by the rain, then even a group of 25 tourists came and we preferred to give up the order completely and just keep our fingers crossed for the staff, because to this day we have no idea where the people crowded and what wildness the staff had to have. Nevertheless, we had some nice moments on the terrace. Restaurant "Pod Císařem" saved us in a certain sense because it appeared just when the rain began to fall on our trip from Snežník table mountain to the Tiské Rocks. As soon as we found a place on the roofed terrace the rain turned into a downpour and this weather had tormented us for over 90 minutes. In the meantime we have found that not everything works as described on the website but honestly: it was far from the unpleasant experience we had in much more frequented tourist destinations with the higher price category. You see the effort, but not quite fulfiled in some way, but what do we know about the overall economic situation of the local operators? The service was tnice, even though she had forgotten that we paid everything immediately on the spot after ordering, but that could happen. We're just human. We wanted to order some food, but after the sky changed into a gray pillow from which it was constantly raining, we changed our minds. The first 15 minutes filled the restaurant with other unfortunate people surprised by the rain, then even a group of 25 tourists arrived, and we'd rather give up the order and just keep the thumbs up, because we still had no idea how things could work inside, but still we had a nice time on the terrace.
Jan Ringel on Google

Einfache tschechische Küche, schmackhaftes Bierchen ? dazu, "einfach" schön.
Simple Czech cuisine, tasty beer ? plus, "simply" beautiful.
Michal Hrbáček on Google

Místo je levné a i prostředí má něco do sebe. Ale nechutnalo mi zde. Nebylo to nic hrozného a stavil se zde na pití klidne znovu. Ovsem už bez jídla.
The place is cheap and the environment has something in it. But I didn't like it here. It wasn't terrible, and he stopped by to drink again. But without food.
Marťa Hájková on Google

Krásné prostředí s výhledem na skály. Překvapili nás vegetariánské pokrmy, které byly opravdu chutné - cukrový guláš a cizrna na paprice s rýží. Mají i svoji specialitu česneku, které je opravdu větší kotlík. K tomu chutné pivko - Klášter a točená koala nebo citronada.
Beautiful setting overlooking the rocks. We were surprised by vegetarian dishes, which were really tasty - sugar goulash and chickpeas on peppers with rice. They also have their specialty of garlic, which is really a bigger pot. Delicious beer - Klášter and draft koala or citronada.
Jiří Růžek on Google

Krásné místo uprostřed nádherné přírody plné lesů a skal. Bohužel v restauraci vázne trochu obsluha a tak to chce více trpělivosti.
Beautiful place in the middle of beautiful nature full of forests and rocks. Unfortunately, the restaurant is a bit tainted by the staff, so it takes more patience.
Erik Dreher on Google

Leckeres Essen, die Bedienung mit gestresstem Eindruck. Zu empfehlen sind die Obstknödel. Das stille Wasser schmeckt aber dafür wie aus der Klospülung und die Sanitäranlagen sind eher rustikal …
Delicious food, the service with a stressed impression. The fruit dumplings are recommended. The still water tastes like it comes from the toilet and the sanitary facilities are rather rustic ...
Veronika Rick on Google

The offer is quite limited but we didn't go home hungry! They serve only czech cousine - get ready for Knödel and pork. The sweat dish was quite yummy as well! Stuff was friendly. It is a casual place with terrace, perfect after a hike.
Sam Wilson on Google

My wife and I stayed at the campground and met up with some friends from Berlin while were on vacation. This place is excellent. Very casual, but exactly what you'd want to relax after a hike or just whenever. The scenery is quite lovely here. There was a punk band from Argentina that played one of the nights, so I guess sometimes there is music. It felt like home. The food is great.

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