Restaurace Wimbledon

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Restaurace Wimbledon

Address :

Fibichova 1377/8, Staré Město, 460 01 Liberec, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +99
Website :
Categories :
City : Liberec

Fibichova 1377/8, Staré Město, 460 01 Liberec, Czechia
Bohumil Sobota on Google

Obsluhují tam jen dvě servírky které nestíhají.. za 20 min nám nedonesli ani pití tak jsme šli jinam..
They serve only two waitresses who can't catch up. In 20 minutes they didn't even bring us a drink, so we went elsewhere ..
Tom Plener on Google

Jídlo velmi dobré ve velkém množství, obsluha velmi milá, ALE malý džbánek "domácí limonády" za !90 KČ! mi opravdu vyrazil dech!
Food very good in large quantities, service very nice, BUT a small mug of "homemade lemonade" for! 90 CZK! it really took my breath away!
Sváťa Chalupa on Google

Hezké místo, snaživá obsluha. Jídlo bohužel průměrné, oschlý knedlík a salát bez snahy a invence. Omáčka ke svíčkové chutnala.
Nice place, hard-working staff. Food unfortunately average, dry dumpling and salad without effort and invention. The sirloin sauce tasted good.
Jakub Jedlinský on Google

Obsluha byla v restauraci podle vlastních slov poprvé a bylo to velmi vidět. Dlouho jsme čekali, polovinu jídel nepřinesly ani po druhém upozornění vůbec, na salátu chyběla polovina přísah a museli jsme si zažádat o jejich doplnění, k jídlům nedonesly příbory a když už ano, tak málo. Jako omluvu jsme dostali medovníky, proto přidávám alespoň jednu hvězdičku. Kvalita jídla solidní průměr, ale obsluha velmi špatná.
The staff was in the restaurant for the first time in their own words and it was very visible. We waited a long time, they didn't bring half of the food even after the second warning at all, half of the oaths were missing from the salad and we had to ask for their supplementation, they didn't bring cutlery to the meals and if so, so little. We received honeycombs as an apology, so I'm adding at least one star. Food quality solid average, but service very poor.
L T on Google

Restaurace je nově zařízená, byli jsme zde i s kočárkem. Trochu mě mrzelo že na jídelníčku bylo jen vepřové maso které úplně nevyhledávám a jediné sladké už bohužel neměli. Ale i tak to zde bylo příjemné a dobře jsme se najedli.
The restaurant is newly furnished, we were here with a stroller. I was a little sorry that there was only pork on the menu that I am not completely looking for and unfortunately they did not have the only sweet ones. But even so, it was nice and we ate well.
Tomáš J on Google

Menší výběr jídla, ale na druhou stranu bylo dobré... Příjemné venkovní posezení ve stínu...
Ludovico Lopes on Google

Good food, great interior and very kind staff.
Petr Klement on Google

Worst experience I’ve had in a long time. The staff was not capable of remembering anything so they just kept coming and asking. Even after 3 rounds of questions we got maybe half of the ordered food and beverages. Ordering anything seemed to make the waitresses angry an annoyed. Some of the ordered food we didn’t get at all although the staff tried to charge us for that. The food was missing half of the ingredients listed in the menu. The food that we actually got was so-so. One added star for a complementary honey cake (for the troubles) and for the decent quality of the soup.

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