Římskokatolická farnost – děkanství Turnov

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Contact Římskokatolická farnost – děkanství Turnov

Address :

Děkanská 87, 511 01 Turnov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +879
City : Turnov

Děkanská 87, 511 01 Turnov, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Barokní budova děkanství, vzniklá přestavbou staršího objektu školy, pochází z roku 1708, úpravami prošla ve 20. století. Součástí areálu, který nalezneme u kostela sv. Mikuláše, je rovněž ohradní zeď a brána se sochou sv. Jana Nepomuckého. Spolu s kostelem tvoří jedno z nejmalebnějších zákoutí starého centra města Turnova. The Baroque building of the deanery, created by the reconstruction of the older school building, dates back to 1708 and has been modified in the 20th century. Part of the compounds by St. Nicholas church is also a fence wall and a gate with a statue of St. Jana Nepomucký. Together with the church, it forms one of the most picturesque corners of the old center of Turnov.
The Baroque deanery building, created by the reconstruction of the older school building, dates from 1708 and underwent modifications in the 20th century. Part of the area, which can be found at the Church of St. Nicholas, there is also a fence wall and a gate with a statue of St. Jan Nepomucký. Together with the church, it forms one of the most picturesque corners of the old town of Turnov. The Baroque building of the deanery, created by the reconstruction of the older school building, dates back to 1708 and has been modified in the 20th century. Part of the compounds by St. Nicholas church is also a fence wall and a gate with a statue of St. Jana Nepomucký. Together with the church, it forms one of the most picturesque corners of the old center of Turnov.

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