Kostel svatého Mikuláše

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kostel svatého Mikuláše

Address :

Jiráskova, 511 01 Turnov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +879
Categories :
City : Turnov

Jiráskova, 511 01 Turnov, Czechia
Petr Zmatlík on Google

katherine197 on Google

Človíček d' Tr'ö on Google

Lucie on Google

Krásný kostel
Beautiful church
Vladimír Černý on Google

Hezké místo :-)?☀️?
Nice place :-) ?☀️?
Ivan Bok on Google

Pěkně opravený.
Nicely repaired.
Petr Koldovský on Google

Kostel sv. Mikuláše pochází ze 14 století. Je spjat se samotným vznikem města, kdy byl součástí opevnění. Má 24 metrů vysokou věž.
Church of st. Nicholas dates back to the 14th century. It is associated with the very foundation of the city, when it was part of the fortifications. It has a 24-meter-high tower.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Chrám sv. Mikuláše je nejstarším kostelem v historickém jádru města Turnova. Původně gotický kostel pochází ze 14. století, jeho počátky jsou spojeny se samotným vznikem města Turnova. Po požáru v roce 1538 byl přestavěn renesančně a roku 1722 barokně. Vnitřní barokní výzdoba kostela byla doplňována po celá desetiletí po přestavbě, v roce 1994 prošel bohatě zdobený interiér restaurací. Uvnitř chrámu najdete cenné renesanční náhrobky rodu Vartemberků, které pocházejí ze 16. století. V té době byl rod Vartemberků majitelem Turnova. Impozantně působí 25 metrů vysoká čtyřhranná věž se silným zdivem, která byla součástí opevnění města. V současné době je jednou z dominant města. Ke kostelu přiléhá barokní fara z roku 1708, která vznikla přestavbou původní školy. St. Mikuláš is the oldest church in the historical center of Turnov. Originally a Gothic church dates back to the 14th century, its origins are connected with the very birth of Turnov. After a fire in 1538 it was rebuilt in Renaissance style and in 1722 a baroque style. The interior Baroque decor of the church was completed for decades after the rebuilding, the richly decorated interior passed throughof the renovation. Inside the temple you will find valuable Renaissance tombstones of the Vartemberk family, dating back to the 16th century. At that time Vartemberk family was the owner of Turnov. An impressive 25 meter high square tower with strong masonry was a part of the city's fortifications. It is currently one of the dominant of Turnov city. The baroque parish office is adjacent to the church from 1708. It was the result of the rebuilding of the original school.
Church of St. St. Nicholas is the oldest church in the historic center of Turnov. Originally a Gothic church dates from the 14th century, its origins are connected with the very origin of the town of Turnov. After a fire in 1538, it was rebuilt in the Renaissance and in 1722 in the Baroque style. The interior baroque decoration of the church was supplemented for decades after the reconstruction, in 1994 the richly decorated interior of the restaurant passed. Inside the church you will find valuable Renaissance tombstones of the Vartemberk family, which date from the 16th century. At that time, the Vartemberk family was the owner of Turnov. The 25-meter-high square tower with thick masonry, which was part of the city's fortifications, looks impressive. It is currently one of the city's landmarks. Adjacent to the church is a Baroque rectory from 1708, which was created by rebuilding the original school. St. Mikuláš is the oldest church in the historical center of Turnov. Originally a Gothic church dates back to the 14th century, its origins are connected with the very birth of Turnov. After a fire in 1538 it was rebuilt in Renaissance style and in 1722 a baroque style. The interior Baroque decor of the church was completed for decades after the rebuilding, the richly decorated interior passed throughof the renovation. Inside the temple you will find valuable Renaissance tombstones of the Vartemberk family, dating back to the 16th century. At that time Vartemberk family was the owner of Turnov. An impressive 25 meter high square tower with strong masonry was a part of the city's fortifications. It is currently one of the dominant of Turnov city. The baroque parish office is adjacent to the church from 1708. It was the result of the rebuilding of the original school.

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