Church of the Birth of the Virgin Mary

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Contact Church of the Birth of the Virgin Mary

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Městský hřbitov u kostela P. Marie, Mariánské nám., 511 01 Turnov, Czechia

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City : Turnov

Městský hřbitov u kostela P. Marie, Mariánské nám., 511 01 Turnov, Czechia
Petr Koldovský on Google

Chrám Narození Panny Marie byl postaven v roce 1853 na místě původního dřevěného kostela. Je to majestátně působící stavba z kamenných kvádrů a hranolovou věží.
The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was built in 1853 on the site of the original wooden church. It is a majestic stone block building and a prismatic tower.
Otto Tomsa on Google

Monumentální a nádherná novogotická katedrála. Jeden ze symbolů města Turnova.
Monumental and beautiful neo-Gothic cathedral. One of the symbols of the city of Turnov.
Sławomir Roguz on Google

Świątynia a zamknięta jak bunkier :( Z zewnątrz... piękna, panuje nad miastem.
The temple is closed like a bunker :( From the outside ... beautiful, he controls the city.
Jiří Pagáč on Google

Velice zajímavá stavba na české poměry, takřka unikát.
Very interesting building for Czech conditions, almost unique.
David Roskovec on Google

Novogotický kostel s mnoha barevnými okny a překvapením za varhanami.
Neo-Gothic church with many colorful windows and a surprise behind the organ.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Chrám Narození Panny Marie je trojlodní novogotická stavba na východní straně s mohutnou věží. Patří mezi největší novogotické stavby ve střední Evropě, proto není divu, že jde o hlavní stavební dominantu Turnova, viditelnou již z dálky. Když jsem dorazil na Mariánské náměstí, na chvíli se mi až zatajil dech, jak monumentálně stavba působí. Na místě chrámu stával původně dřevěný kostelík, na jehož založení se podílela svatá Zdislava se svým manželem Havlem z Lemberka. Původně patřil dominikánskému řádu a v letech 1550 až 1620 byl pod správou českých bratří. Kostelík však několikrát vyhořel a byl znovu opraven až se na počátku 19. století rozhodlo, že bude díky špatnému stavu zbořen a na jeho místě vystavěn nový chrám. Se stavbou se započalo v roce 1825 a stavba trvala dlouhých 28 let - architektem nové stavby stavby byl Martin Hausknecht. V roce 1853 byl pak chrám vysvěcen. Interiér stavby je rovněž v novogotickém slohu. Kostel je bohužel přístupný pouze během bohoslužeb, které se konají pravidelně o nedělích od 10:00, nebo při prohlídkách, které probíhají jen o některých všedních dnech. Zajímavost: zřejmě z finančních důvodů má chrám nedostavěnou věž, ale i tak chrám patří mezi výrazné dominanty města. Na pískovcovém soklu u kostela (na straně Mariánského náměstí) můžete vidět litinovou kopii kamenné sochy sv. Jana Nepomuckého z roku 1873. Socha byla původně pod kostelem, na současné místo se dostala v letech 1937–1938, kdy již také nesla barevnou polychromii. Virgin Mary's Birthplace is a three-nave Neo-Gothic building with a massive tower on the eastern side. It is one of the largest neo-gothic buildings in Central Europe, so it is no wonder that it is the main building dominant of Turnov, visible from afar. When I arrived at Mariánské náměstí, for a moment, I hold my breath - it looks so monumental. At the site of the temple was originally a wooden church founded by Zdislava and his husband Havel of Lemberk. Originally belonged to the Dominican order and in the years 1550 to 1620 it was under the administration of Czech brothers. However, the church burned several times and was repaired until at the beginning of the 19th century it was decided that it would be demolished for it´s poor state and a new temple will be built in it´s place. The construction began in 1825 and the process lasted for 28 years - the architect of the new construction was Martin Hausknecht. In 1853, the temple was consecrated. The interior of the building is also in the Neo-Gothic style. The church is unfortunately accessible only during religious services, which take place regularly on Sundays from 10:00, or during special tours called "Turnov churches" that take place only on certain weekdays. Interesting facts: apparently for financial reasons, the temple has an unfinished tower, but even so, the temple is one of the distinct dominants of the city. On the sandstone plinth near the church (on the side to Mariánské náměstí), you can see a cast iron copy of the stone statue of St. Jana Nepomucký from 1873. The sculpture was originally under the church, at the present place it was put in the years 1937-1938, when it also got colored polychromy.
The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is a three-nave neo-Gothic building on the east side with a massive tower. It is one of the largest neo-Gothic buildings in Central Europe, so it is no wonder that it is the main building landmark of Turnov, visible from a distance. When I arrived at Mariánské náměstí, I held my breath for a moment, how monumental the building looks. Originally a wooden church stood on the site of the church, which was founded by St. Zdislava and her husband Havel of Lemberk. It originally belonged to the Dominican order and from 1550 to 1620 it was under the administration of the Czech brothers. However, the church burned down several times and was repaired again until it was decided at the beginning of the 19th century that it would be demolished due to its poor condition and a new church built in its place. Construction began in 1825 and lasted 28 years - the architect of the new building was Martin Hausknecht. In 1853, the temple was consecrated. The interior of the building is also in the neo-Gothic style. Unfortunately, the church is only accessible during services, which take place regularly on Sundays from 10:00, or during tours, which take place only on certain weekdays. Interesting fact: probably for financial reasons, the church has an unfinished tower, but even so, the church is one of the prominent landmarks of the city. On the sandstone plinth by the church (on the side of Mariánské náměstí) you can see a cast iron copy of the stone statue of St. Jan Nepomucký from 1873. The statue was originally under the church, it came to its current location in 1937–1938, when it also carried a colored polychromy. Virgin Mary's Birthplace is a three-nave Neo-Gothic building with a massive tower on the eastern side. It is one of the largest neo-gothic buildings in Central Europe, so it is no wonder that it is the main building dominant of Turnov, visible from afar. When I arrived at Mariánské náměstí, for a moment, I hold my breath - it looks so monumental. At the site of the temple was originally a wooden church founded by Zdislava and his husband Havel of Lemberk. Originally belonged to the Dominican order and in the years 1550 to 1620 it was under the administration of Czech brothers. However, the church burned several times and was repaired until at the beginning of the 19th century it was decided that it would be demolished for it´s poor state and a new temple will be built in it´s place. The construction began in 1825 and the process lasted for 28 years - the architect of the new construction was Martin Hausknecht. In 1853, the temple was consecrated. The interior of the building is also in the Neo-Gothic style. The church is unfortunately accessible only during religious services, which take place regularly on Sundays from 10:00, or during special tours called "Turnov churches" that take place only on certain weekdays. Interesting facts: apparently for financial reasons, the temple has an unfinished tower, but even so, the temple is one of the distinct dominants of the city. On the sandstone plinth near the church (on the side to Mariánské náměstí), you can see a cast iron copy of the stone statue of St. Jana Nepomucký from 1873. The sculpture was originally under the church, at the present place it was put in the years 1937-1938, when it also got colored polychromy.
Vikram Thapar on Google

A Majestic Church and an Adjoining Cemetery. The Church of the Birth of the Virgin Mary belongs to the largest Neogothic cathedral buildings in central Europe. It was built as one of the first churches of this style in Bohemia. Its unfinished tower is a characteristic landmark of the town.
Jirka Just on Google

Majestic church with cemetery. Dominant of Turnov and good place to visit

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