St. Francis of Assisi

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact St. Francis of Assisi

Address :

nám. Českého Ráje, 511 01 Turnov, Czechia

Categories :
City : Turnov

nám. Českého Ráje, 511 01 Turnov, Czechia
Lena Kovalenko on Google

Filip Šetek on Google

Vladimír Černý on Google

Hezky kostel?
Nice churches
Petr Zmatlík on Google

Pěkně opraveno
Nicely fixed
Pavlína Králová Musilová on Google

Přístup hned z náměstí
Access right from the square
Radim Lhota on Google

Nádherně doplňuje krásné náměstí
Beautifully complements the beautiful square
Petr Koldovský on Google

Krásný kostel sv. Františka z Assisi byl založen v roce 1655. Stojí na rohu náměstí Českého ráje a je nepřehlédnutelnou stavbou v blízkosti náměstí.
Beautiful church of st. Francis of Assisi was founded in 1655. It stands on the corner of the Bohemian Paradise Square and is a prominent building near the square.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Působivý kostel v horní části turnovského náměstí dal založit v polovině 17. století Maxmilián z Valdštejna na místě po vyhořelých domech. V letech 1707 a 1803 stavba dvakrát vyhořela, podruhé dokonce tak, že došlo ke zřícení klenby a štítu. Dnešní empírová podoba je z let 1803-1825, kdy proběhla kompletní přestavba. V roce 1842 přibyla na straně od náměstí pseudorománská zvonice čtvercového půdorysu. Na průčelí kostela najdeme znak rodu Valdštejnů - zakladatelů kostela. The impressive church at the top of Turnov Square was set up in the middle of the 17th century by Maximilian of Valdštejn on the site of previously burned houses. In the years 1707 and 1803, the building burned twice, the second time so much that even as the vault and the shield collapsed. Today's empire look is from 1803-1825, when a complete rebuilding took place. A pseudo-roman bell tower on the side of the square ground plan was built in 1842. On the facade of the church we find the emblem of the Wallenstein family - founders of the church.
The impressive church in the upper part of Turnov Square was founded in the middle of the 17th century by Maximilian of Wallenstein on the site of burned-out houses. In the years 1707 and 1803 the building burned down twice, the second time even so that the vault and the gable collapsed. Today's Empire form dates from 1803-1825, when a complete reconstruction took place. In 1842, a pseudo-Romanesque bell tower with a square floor plan was added on the side of the square. On the facade of the church we find the emblem of the Wallenstein family - the founders of the church. The impressive church at the top of Turnov Square was set up in the middle of the 17th century by Maximilian of Wallenstein on the site of previously burned houses. In the years 1707 and 1803, the building burned twice, the second time so much that even as the vault and the shield collapsed. Today's empire look is from 1803-1825, when a complete rebuilding took place. A pseudo-roman bell tower on the side of the square ground plan was built in 1842. On the facade of the church we find the emblem of the Wallenstein family - founders of the church.

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