Riva Kebab Haus

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Riva Kebab Haus

Address :

Masarykovo nám. 38, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště, Czechia

Website : https://www.facebook.com/pages/RIVA-kebab-haus/720566871312047%3Ffref%3Dts
Categories :
City : Uherské Hradiště

Masarykovo nám. 38, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště, Czechia
KalteZiegelsteine on Google

S koronou to šlo hrozně ke dnu, naposledy když sem tam byl si koupit kebab, dostal jsem poloviční porci a hlad to fakt nezahnalo. Vždy jsem měl problém ty jejich porce sníst, byly obří a poctivé, hromada masa a zeleniny tak akorát, ale teď jsem neměl sebemenší problém kebab sníst a ještě jsem se necítil najezený. A bohužel, musím konstatovat, že to, co tu někteří lidé píšou o ošizených porcích masa je pravda. Buď dostanete drobnou vrstvu masa, kterou ani nepocítíte, nebo sojové kostky. Udělejte se sebou něco sakra, naproti vám je další kebab a lidi raději jsou tam. PS: Obsluha otřesná, hlavně "blonďatá" paní u pultu, kebab věčně spálený a ošizený.
It went awfully with the crown, the last time I was there to buy a kebab, I got half a portion and it didn't really hunger. I've always had a problem eating their portions, they were giant and honest, a bunch of meat and vegetables just right, but now I didn't have the slightest problem eating kebabs and I still didn't feel fed up. And unfortunately, I have to say that what some people are writing about ripped portions of meat is true. You either get a tiny layer of meat you can't even smell or soy cubes. Do something damn to yourself, there's another kebab across from you and people prefer to be there. PS: The staff is appalling, especially the "blonde" lady at the counter, the kebab is eternally burned and deceived.
Dany land on Google

Dal jsem si tam podruhé malý box za 69kč. Porce neodpovídala ceně. Trošku masa se zeleninou a na spodu pár hranolek. Aj kdyby ten box byl vrchovatý hranolkama tak ty hranolky vyjdou na 15kč.
I put a small box there for the second time for 69 CZK. The portion did not match the price. A little meat with vegetables and a few fries on the bottom. Even if the box is topped with fries, the fries will cost 15 CZK.
Petr Hladiš on Google

Ok 1
Muhammad Zafar on Google

Very nice Kebab. & .Pizza . Bar .Coffee ?
Martin Hudec on Google

It's cheap and open late...if you use chilli it may burn twice (on the next day)
Ruszo on Google

Absolutely terrible service!!! Unsympathetic and rude. I ordered a big plate, got it small. Price ratio meal, terrible I absolutely do not recommend !!!
Nicu David on Google

Very good kebab come to vist its nice
Guy Golan on Google

Nice place, 2 floors, small simple menu, not for dates, but ok for sitting with friends. Nothing great but all ok if u r at the mood for it

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