Roman Láner

3.7/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Roman Láner

Address :

Litovelská 101/17, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8879
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City : Olomouc

Litovelská 101/17, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia
Klára Řezáčová on Google

Direka Reality on Google

MORAK advokátní kancelář on Google

S panem Lánerem spolupracuji již nějakou dobu, oceňuji jeho profesionální jednání, připravenost a spolehlivost.
I have been cooperating with Mr. Láner for some time, I appreciate his professional conduct, readiness and reliability.
Kirsten Březinová on Google

Po dlouhe uvaze jsem se rozhodla peci jen moji zkusenost s panem Lanerem sdilet. Pravdou je, ze jsem nakonec pres tohoto maklere byt nekupovala, ale to prave proto, jak me jeho jednani odradilo a uprimne...i trochu vydesilo (co se financni a pravni stranky tyce...tim nemyslim, ze nade mnou stal se sekerou). Nejdulezitejsi vec - pan Laner sice nabizi byty s logem Next reality, ale to je pouze fransiza. Doopravdy jeho realitku tvori pouze on sam, coz v tomto pribehu tvori podstatnou roli. Pan makler nabizel druzstevni byt v puvodnim stavu, avsak v cene bytu nabizel i rekonstrukci, kterou provede sam majitel a jeho firma. Tudiz se nejednalo o zcela bezny a jednoduchy prodej, co se tyce smlouvy a podobne. Celkovy dojem? Pan Laner je velmi prijemny, dokud s nim ve vsem souhlasite, vse mu podepisete a nejlepe mu i co nejdrive vysolite prachy. V opacnem pripade se setkate s usecnym jednanim, lhanim a ponizovanim (protoze jste jen blbej zakaznik, co nicemu nerozumi). Hlavni body toho, proc jsem nakonec od podpisu smlouvy ustoupila: Bod 1: Pan Laner si jako rezervacni poplatek rekl vice nez 5%. Ne o moc, ale...stoji to za zminku. Bod 2.: Pan Laner mi zamerne lhal o dostupnosti nekterych dokumentu a o dostupnosti spolecenstvi vlastniku, kam jsem sama volala, abych si to overila - takze vim, ze se jednalo o lez. Navic se nakonec ukazalo, ze potrebne dokumenty lze do druheho dne sehnat...kdyz jsem nalehala. Bod 3.: Jakmile jsem ke smlouve zacala mit pripominky a chtela jsem to nejak resit, zacal byt velmi neprijemny a jednal se mnou zpusobem, ktery me donutil si poridit pravnika. Nasledne se takto choval i k me pravnicce, ktera ma s jednanim s realitkami zkusenost, ale toto ji zanechalo zcela v soku. Bod 4.: Jakmile moje pani pravnicka poukazala na nedostatky smlouvy a jeji rizikovost, coz zaroven zahrnovalo fakt, ze bych nejednala s velkou a duveryhodnou firmou/realitkou, nybrz pouze s panem Lanerem a jeho kancelari, bylo mi jako reseni navrhnuto, aby se zaloha na byt NEposlala panu Lanerovi na ucet, nybrz do uschovny, jak se to casto dela. Na tento navrh mi pan Laner odpovedel: "Vubec rezervace se slozi jak je v rezervacni smlouve." Jeste po tom, co jsem s panem Lanerem ukoncila jednani (ja napsala omluvnou zpravu, ze za techto okolnosti smlouvu nemuzu podepsat, a podekovala jsem mu za jeho cas, on odepsal "ok" a uz jsem o nem neslysela...vazne profesionalni pristup, o slusnem jednani ani nemluvim.), mi bylo naznaceno, ze cela zalezitost vypadala velmi podezrele a ze bych mozna mohla zkusit kontaktovat majitele bytu, abych se ujistila, ze se jedna o legalni inzerci. Takze si umite predstavit, jake dojmy pan Laner vyvolal, kdyz mi pravnik i financni poradkyne naznacily, ze cela ta nabidka zavani. Byt uz je opet v nabidce, takze doufam, ze se o zadny podvod nejedna. Ale presto povazuji za dulezite sdilet moji zkusenost a mozna nekoho inspirovat, aby zaujal trochu obezretnejsi pristup a nenechal se sebou zachazet jako s chodici penezenkou.
After much deliberation, I decided to share my experience with Mr. Laner. The truth is that in the end I didn't buy an apartment through this broker, but that's exactly because his actions discouraged and honestly ... even a little scared (what the financial and legal aspects are about ... I don't think he became an ax over me ). The most important thing - Mr. Laner offers apartments with the Next Reality logo, but this is only a French version. In fact, only he himself is his real estate, which forms a significant role in this story. Mr. Broker offered a cooperative apartment in its original condition, but in the price of the apartment also offered a reconstruction, which will be carried out by the owner himself and his company. So it was not a completely ordinary and simple sale in terms of contracts and the like. Overall impresion? Mr. Laner is very nice, as long as you agree with him in everything, you sign everything to him and it is best to salt his money as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will encounter useful actions, lying and humiliation (because you are just a stupid customer who does not understand anything). The main points of why I finally withdrew from signing the contract: Point 1: Mr Laner claimed more than 5% as the booking fee. Not by much, but ... it's worth a mention. Point 2: Mr Laner deliberately lied to me about the availability of some documents and the availability of the owner's association, which I called myself to check - so I know it was a climb. In addition, it turned out that the necessary documents could be obtained by the next day ... when I was lying down. Point 3: As soon as I started to comment on the contract and wanted to solve it somehow, it started to be very unpleasant and he treated me in a way that forced me to buy a lawyer. Subsequently, the lawyer, who has experience in dealing with realtors, also treated me in this way, but this left her completely in shock. Point 4: As soon as my lawyer pointed out the shortcomings of the contract and its risk, which also included the fact that I would not deal with a large and trustworthy company / realtor, but only with Mr. Laner and his office, she did NOT send the apartment to Mr. Laner's account, but to the depository, as is often the case. To this suggestion, Mr. Laner replied: "At all reservations will be made as in the reservation contract." Even after I finished negotiations with Mr. Laner (I wrote an apologetic message that under these circumstances I could not sign the contract, and I thanked him for his time, he wrote "ok" and I have not heard of him ... a serious professional approach , I'm not even talking about a decent meeting.), it was suggested to me that the whole matter looked very suspicious and that I might try to contact the owner of the apartment to make sure that it was a legal advertisement. So you can imagine the impressions Mr. Laner made when my lawyer and financial advisers indicated to me that the whole offer smelled. The apartment is on offer again, so I hope that this is not a scam. But I still consider it important to share my experience and maybe inspire someone to take a slightly more cautious approach and not be treated like a walking wallet.
Michal Zdrazil on Google

Obrovská spokojenost. Prodával jsem byt a takovou rychlost se vším jsem opravdu nečekal. Vřele doporučuji.
Huge satisfaction. I was selling an apartment and I really didn't expect that kind of speed. I warmly recommend.
Ludmila Mederova on Google

Prodávala jsem přes pana Lánera RD a byla jsem mile překvapena ochotou, vstřícností a rychlostí s jakou tento prodej zprostředkoval. Naprostá spokojenost. Mohu jen doporučit.
I sold the house through Mr. Láner and I was pleasantly surprised by the willingness, helpfulness and speed with which he mediated this sale. Absolute satisfaction. I can only recommend.

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