
4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rustonka

Address :

Sokolovská 115, 180 00 Praha 8-Invalidovna, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
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City : Praha 8 Invalidovna

Sokolovská 115, 180 00 Praha 8-Invalidovna, Czechia
Terez Klausová on Google

Nový office park, který je stejný jako většina - moderní design, hromada firem. Kantýna je ale trochu dražší a obecně možnosti stravování byly ze začátku dost omezené, snad už je to lepší
New office park, which is the same as most - modern design, a bunch of companies. But the canteen is a bit more expensive and generally the dining options were rather limited at the beginning, perhaps it is better
Pavel Saitl on Google

Moderní kancelářský komplex, který by byl snad i nudný, ale díky pohyblivé soše MARS' VISTA od Jiřího Příhody rozhodně není a stojí za podívanou...
A modern office complex, which would probably be boring, but thanks to the moving MARS 'VISTA statue by Jiří Příhoda, it is definitely not and is worth a spectacle ...
Jaroslava Voriskova on Google

Roste tu spousta nových staveb, podle plakátů na oplocení bude toto místo v souladu s novodobými požadavky na Office i bydlení, trendy v souladu s přírodou, cyklostezka i pěší zóna. Ale já tam šla kvůli jedné dřevěné stavbě, která, bohužel, bude muset brzy ustoupit. Je to maličká vyhlídka, ze které je vidět na probíhající stavbu a na druhé straně na řeku.
There are a lot of new buildings growing, according to the posters for fencing, this place will be in line with modern requirements for office and housing, trends in harmony with nature, a bike path and a pedestrian zone. But I went there because of a wooden building, which, unfortunately, will soon have to retreat. It is a small view from which you can see the ongoing construction and the river on the other side.
Herman Reich on Google

Loved it!
nsalife540 on Google

Korea investment company bought this building.
Obyčejný Drak on Google

Good food, nice clean place. Pizza recommended.
Jan Ivan Novak on Google

Martin Krasa on Google

The lunch menu offer used to be really good value for money. Prices went up. Not so hot of the deal, any more. It is a nice, modern and clean restaurant with VERY friendly staff. Tried both traditional meal as well as pizza and I liked both. Beer in can or bottle and expensive. Cash, debit as well as EdenRed "meal card" are supported. There seem to be freely accessible WiFi, too.

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