Sady Ludvíka Kuby - Sady Ludvíka Kuby

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sady Ludvíka Kuby, Czechia

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City : sady Ludvíka Kuby

sady Ludvíka Kuby, Czechia
Maruška Vykouková on Google

Josef Bradac on Google

Jaroslav Zeman on Google

Michal Stein on Google

Nově nazvaným Sadům Ludvíka Kuby vévodí nádherná plastika sochařky Zuzany Čížkové (žačky slavného Kurta Gebauera) na motivy plakátu Ludvíka Kuby v impresionisticky secesním stylu z kovu a betonu. Tatáž Zuzana Čížková je i autorkou busty svaté Anežky České před kostelem nedaleko odtud u blízkého kostela. MICHAL STEIN
The newly named Ludvík Kuba Park is dominated by a beautiful sculpture by sculptor Zuzana Čížková (pupils of the famous Kurt Gebauer) based on a poster of Louis Kuba in an impressionist Art Nouveau style made of metal and concrete. The same Zuzana Čížková is also the author of the bust of St. Agnes of Bohemia in front of the church not far from here near the nearby church. MICHAL STEIN
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Ludvík Kuba byl český folklorista, spisovatel, malíř a přítel Lužických Srbů. Moderní památník ve zdejším parku na nábřeží je dílem Zuzany Čížkovské. Stejně jako město samotné i park je krásně udržovaný, a je to skutečný zážitek tu strávit volný čas, byť jen po kratší dobu. Z Poděbrad jsem vyrážel na pěší tůru podél Labe do Kolína, ale nic tak působivého, jako zdejší nábřeží jsem už pak neviděl. Ludvík Kuba was a Czech folklorist, writer, painter and friend of the Lusatian Serbs. The modern monument in the local park on the embankment of Elbe river is the work of Zuzana Čížkovská. Like the city itself, the park is beautifully maintained, and it's a real experience to spend your free time here, even for a shorter period of time. From Poděbrady I set out on a hiking tour along the Elbe to Kolín, but nothing as impressive as the local waterfront I could see then.
Ludvík Kuba was a Czech folklorist, writer, painter and friend of the Lusatian Serbs. The modern monument in the local park on the waterfront is the work of Zuzana Čížkovská. Like the city itself, the park is beautifully maintained, and it's a real experience to spend free time here, even if only for a short time. From Poděbrady I set out on a hiking tour along the Elbe to Kolín, but I never saw anything as impressive as the local embankment. Ludvík Kuba was a Czech folklorist, writer, painter and friend of the Lusatian Serbs. The modern monument in the local park on the embankment of Elbe river is the work of Zuzana Čížkovská. Like the city itself, the park is beautifully maintained, and it's a real experience to spend your free time here, even for a shorter period of time. From Poděbrady I set out on a hiking tour along the Elbe to Kolín, but nothing as impressive as the local waterfront I could see then.
Мгер Симонян on Google

Парк имени Людвига Кубы расположен к востоку от Подебрадского замка вдоль реки Эльба. Красивое, уютное, тихое место, где можно прогуляться и отдохнуть. В самом парке в открытом доступе есть несколько источников минеральной воды известные своими целебными свойствами. Здесь же расположена детская площадка, различные памятники и скульптуры. В парке много прогулочных и велосипедных дорожек, а также велосипелно-пешеходный мост через реку Эльбу, ведущий на противоположный берег, где расположен гольфклуб и знаменитые подебрадские озера с лодочной станцией. Из парка открывается удивительно красивый вид на замок, можно сделать панорамные снимки и провести фотосессию. Живописен и берег реки, в которой цветут кувшинки и безмятежно плавают утки.
Park named after Ludwig Cuba is located east of Podebrady Castle along the Elbe River. A beautiful, cozy, quiet place where you can walk and relax. In the park itself, in the open access there are several sources of mineral water known for their healing properties. There is also a playground, various monuments and sculptures. There are many walking and cycling paths in the park, as well as a bicycle and pedestrian bridge across the Elbe River, leading to the opposite bank, where the golf club and the famous Podebrady lakes with a boat station are located. The park offers an amazingly beautiful view of the castle, you can take panoramic photos and hold a photo session. The river bank is also picturesque, in which water lilies bloom and ducks swim serenely.

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