SAMPALERO - children's cafe - Jezuitská 585

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact SAMPALERO - children's cafe

Address :

Jezuitská 585, 602 00 Brno-střed-Brno-město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +779
Postal code : 602
Website :
Categories :

Jezuitská 585, 602 00 Brno-střed-Brno-město, Czechia
Miroslav Jindříšek on Google

Pro malé děti s maminkou úplně ideální včetně bezva nabídky občerstvení.
Ideal for small children with their mother, including a great snack menu.
Klára Smolíková on Google

Nedala bych ani jednu hvězdu, kdyby to šlo. Podruhé a naposledy co jsem navštívila tuto kavárnu. Tak člověk jim tam chce udělat nějaký kšeft, vybere si nejdražší ,,domací,, americkou limonádu a domácí čaj. Po prvním loku té domácí limonády (šťáva zalitá zkaženým džusem) jsem měla pocit, že v tom snad mám panáka. Upozorním na to obsluhu, ta na to, že to není možné. Pak si slečna ,,přivoněla,, k džusu a oznámila mi: ,,fuj, jo je zkažený,,... tak už to nepíjte... bez jakékoliv omluvy, nebo nabídky jiného nápoje (který bych stejně s díky odmítla).... Jediné + jsou super hračky pro děti do 1 roku. Skluzavku neřeším, když Vám přijde nebezpečná, tak tam děti nepouštějte. Ale raději budu chodit do čajovny Mezi stromy a koupím jeden hrací stoleček tam, než toto! Nečekám od dětských kaváren gastronomický zážitek a kávu jako z kavárny, ale podávat někomu, nedej bože dětem zkažené nápoje už je tak spíše na kontrolu hygieny!
I wouldn't give a single star if I could. The second and last time I visited this cafe. So you want to do some business there, choose the most expensive "homemade" American lemonade and homemade tea. After the first bow of the homemade lemonade (juice drenched in spoiled juice), I felt like I had a shot in it. I'll let the staff know, it's not possible. Then the young lady "smelled" the juice and told me: "yeah, yeah, it's spoiled" ... so don't drink it anymore ... without any apology or offer of another drink (which I would still refuse with thanks). ... The only + are super toys for children under 1 year. I don't solve the slide when it comes to you, so don't let the children in there. But I'd rather go to the Between the Trees teahouse and buy a table there than this! I don't expect a gastronomic experience and coffee from children's cafes like from a café, but serving someone, God forbid, spoiled drinks to children is more of a hygiene check!
Sára Koppp on Google

Je mi velmi líto dávat i tu jednu hvězdu. Minule tam byla jiná paní a obsluha byla na jedničku. Dnešní velmi zakomplexovaná zaměstnankyně Zuzana Hamerska už po příchodu vypadala, že má veliké problémy. Platím koutek, jsem chůva a opravdu si kávičku dávat nebudu. Proplacený mám vstup za koutek a ne kávičky. Po placení po mě paní Hamerska hodila drobné a dodala “nezapomeňte si napsat recenzi”. A tak ji samozřejmě píšu, protože tak nechutně mi z nikoho ještě nebylo. Pršelo a proto jsem byla poslaná s malým do koutku. Víte paní Hamerska že “si běžte hrát na hřiště laskavě” opravdu neuspělo, protože venku silně pršelo. A to nezmiňují vaše trapné poznámky na mě před celou kavárnou. Doporučovala bych vám terapeuta na vaši ublíženou osobnost. Já jsem samozřejmě neřekla ani slovo, je zbytečné bavit se s člověkem, který je se sebou nespokojený a útočí na cizí lidi bezdůvodně. Všem bych doporučovala vyhnout se této hyeně obloukem.
I'm very sorry to give that one star. Last time there was another lady and the staff was first. Today's very complex employee Zuzana Hamerska already seemed to have big problems after her arrival. I pay the corner, I'm a babysitter and I really won't have a coffee. I have paid for the entrance for the corner and not the coffee. After paying, Mrs. Hamerska threw change at me and added "don't forget to write a review". And so, of course, I write it, because I haven't felt so disgusting with anyone yet. It was raining, so I was sent with the little one to the corner. You know Mrs. Hamerska that "go play on the court kindly" really didn't work because it was raining hard outside. And don't mention your embarrassing remarks on me in front of the whole cafe. I would recommend a therapist for your injured personality. Of course, I did not say a word, it is useless to talk to a person who is dissatisfied with himself and attacks strangers for no reason. I would recommend everyone to avoid this hyena by arc.
Fanna štěrba on Google

ALi marou on Google

Loved it. Nice place for moms to meet up with other moms and let their kids play in a nice and safe environment.
Anne Omojo Iyela on Google

A great place for kids ... its smaller compared to other kids cafes but it's really cozy ?
Matej Vitásek on Google

Kids will happily spend 2 hours here, then will get bored as the place is rather small. Good paninis and lemonades.
Radim Bondy on Google

A place for kids with steep stairs, no place to put stroller (you have to remove your shoes just when you climb the stairs). Single room with as many tables as possible so overcrowded in a minute. Each wall decorated with a folded single from some kids magazine. There are two spaces for kids. I've seen just one and would allow my kid to go there only if they were sentenced to death to ease their mind. That slide which ends against wall and hard floor "decorated" with 26 balls should be but off limits. Two stars are given in sake of the poor personnel who did everything they could. It's a trap!

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