2.8/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Smíchov, Radlická 3294/10, Anděl, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

Smíchov, Radlická 3294/10, Anděl, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia
V K on Google

Mažou regulérní příspěvky v diskusích. Nejedná se tedy o férovou a čestnou společnost. Článek "Nebezpečný azbest uprostřed sídliště. Případ vyšetřuje hygiena": jak tohle dopr může někdo napsat? Vždyť tam žádné sídliště není :DD
They delete regular posts in discussions. So it is not a fair and honest society. Article "Dangerous asbestos in the middle of housing estates. The case is being investigated by hygiene": how can anyone write this? After all, there is no housing estate: DD
Luděk Mach on Google

Tragická firma. Jsem rád, že jsem zde strávil “pouhé” dva měsíce. Vyhněte se Seznamu obloukem, pokud uvažujete nad zaměstnáním v této společnosti. Lži, pokrytectví, sobectví….pracovat v tomhle prostředí vydrží jen asociálové.
Tragic company. I'm glad I spent "just" two months here. Avoid List Arching if you are considering working for this company. Lies, hypocrisy, selfishness jen. Only antisociales can work in this environment.
Jiří on Google a blokují ihned příspěvky negativně kritizující jejich články, byť slušně. Jejich články jsou podobné jako východní propaganda, kterou tak rádi kritizují a diskutující s nimi musí jen souhlasit, jinak dostanou BAN. and immediately block posts that negatively criticize their articles, albeit decently. Their articles are similar to Eastern propaganda, which they like to criticize so much, and the debaters only have to agree with them, otherwise they will get a BAN.
Aleks Koch on Google

nezávislá žurnalistika tam není,vše je namířeno proti zemím, které nesouhlasí s dominantním postojem usa není už od roku 2010 česká firma. Jak zjistil server , zakladatel a většinový vlastník seznamu Ivo Lukačovič převedl majoritní podíl ve firmě na neznámou společnost Helifreak Limited se sídlem v daňovém ráji na Kypru. Vyplývá to ze zápisu mimořádné valné hromady Seznamu z 6. prosince 2010
independent journalism is not there, everything is directed against countries that do not agree with the dominant position of the USA has not been a Czech company since 2010. As found by the server, the founder and majority owner of the list, Ivo Lukačovič, transferred the majority stake in the company to the unknown company Helifreak Limited, based in a tax haven in Cyprus. This follows from the minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the List of 6 December 2010
Ondrej Holecek on Google

great employer ;-)
VitaliiDVV on Google

Thank You very much from the Ukrainian people for your donations!!!!!!!
joaquin garcia on Google

Sadly I had a very bad experience solving an issue with my email, the customer service does not want to speak English, neither when I was using the Google translate they wanted to help me, honestly I believe they should improve that but who knows, I contacted them several times for help since I am a developer and use emailing systems often, never got any satisfaction qüestionar or anything, I believe they don't need the feedback from costumers since they don't care, hope they will drastically change or the future for them will be very bad, myself I found better options to work with and will never consider them again, also all my proyects and costumers will not be using this service,I need quick and effective support and here there is not such. :(
Alexander Backovsky on Google

The has a fundamental quality problem. Articles are often full of gross grammatical errors and facts are not verified.. The overall intellectual level is very low and does not correspond to an average university education in Western terms. In discussions, the company allows the publication of xenophobic and untrue information, and on the contrary, it blocks responses to open chauvinism and xenophobia, the promotion of the Putin regime, completely false information, etc. It is obvious that the employees have below-average education, which, is reminiscent of the Soviet regime after 1971. The reality is that Czech consciousness is still at the level of Soviet stereotypes.

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