Slovanská epopej - Zámecká 1

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Slovanská epopej

Address :

Zámecká 1, 672 01 Moravský Krumlov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 672
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Categories :
City : Moravský Krumlov

Zámecká 1, 672 01 Moravský Krumlov, Czechia
Jiri Broz on Google

Velmi krásné obrazy. Pěkně uspořádaná výstava. Při prohlídce na člověka dechne čas minulí a hluboce se pokloní autorovy díla
Very beautiful paintings. Nicely arranged exhibition. During the search, the time is gone and the author's works are deeply bowed
Václav Pospíchal on Google

Pěkné výstavní prostory a nádherná díla jedinečného Alfonse Muchy.
Nice exhibition spaces and wonderful works of the unique Alfons Mucha.
Jarka Bednarova on Google

Krása. Nemám, co víc říct.
Beauty. I have nothing more to say.
Josef Buršovský on Google

Určitě doporučuji, je to epická podívaná
I definitely recommend, it's an epic spectacle
Rudolf Jan on Google

Krásná expozice. Musel bych ale navstivit vícekrát, abych to stihl pobrat. Mistr to taky neudelal za hodinu a je vidět, ze na tom pracoval s láskou. Doufám, že jednoho dne opraví i cely zámek v Moravskem Krumlově. Divim se ze ho zak nechavaji, vždyť chatral už pred 25ti lety.
Beautiful exposure. But I would have to visit more than once to get it. The master didn't do it in an hour either, and it can be seen that he worked on it with love. I hope that one day the whole castle in Moravský Krumlov will be repaired. I'm surprised they don't leave him, because he chatted 25 years ago.
Petr Bureš on Google

Určitě si naplánujte návštěvu výstavy, když budete někde v okolí. Je dobré si koupit vstupenky dopředu, na místě už nemusíte mít šanci se dostat na prohlídku. V okolí zámku a ve městě toho již není moc k vidění.
Be sure to plan a visit to the exhibition when you are somewhere nearby. It is good to buy tickets in advance, you may not have a chance to get a tour on the spot. There is not much to see around the castle and in the city.
Jaroslav Tuma on Google

Pěkný zážitek. Vstupenky je lepší objednat dopředu. Je opravdu na co se dívat.
Nice experience. It is better to order tickets in advance. There is really something to look at.
Eliska Tischuk on Google

The castle and town are absolutely boring, don’t plan to spend even a minute more in that area. Three pubs open which have all together three meals to ofer. the town aside, the castle is absolutely not furnished to accommodate this monumental piece. Waiting room like at a doctor, small entrance with narrow stairs - i can understand that, when it is in old castle, but what is lacking in space should be compensate by organization. staff doesn’t tell you anything, or if so, the info is incorrect. supposedly without guide, when we were in the middle of selfvisit, the lady “kindly” started to speak without making sure everyone actually hears her. they let us wait in staircase which is the only entrance to the exhibit itself so all the people coming out has to meet the waiting ones - this situation doesn’t need to occur at all, if the staff would be a little bit useful and told to just wait a bit on the side!! finally 10 min after the time you buy ticket for lady comes and tells us almost irritated that we can open the door and enter the exhibit like a selfservice… in the meanwhile people with disabilities have to walk to the very narrow curved stairs and strollers are left in the reception. Just to find that the rooms are actually big enough to stroll the baby around (surprise, when the paintings are itself 10x10 meters big)…. just don’t except mush from czech organization ability. the slav epic celebrating their nation doesn’t reflect their real nature. however, The Slav epic itself is an amazing art piece and it’s worthy to be seen.

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