Slunečná kavárna

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Slunečná kavárna

Address :

8, Srní 8, 341 92 Srní, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Opening hours :
Sunday 11AM–5PM
Monday 12–5PM
Tuesday 12–5PM
Wednesday 12–5PM
Thursday 12–5PM
Friday 12–5PM
Saturday 11AM–5PM
Categories :
City : Srní

8, Srní 8, 341 92 Srní, Czechia
Jakub Rameš on Google

Dobrá káva i zákusky. Příjemná obsluha. Ceny by mohly být nižší, ale to je na Šumavě už standard.
Good coffee and desserts. Pleasant service. Prices could be lower, but this is already standard in Šumava.
Aneta on Google

Hezká kavárna s terasou, káva i zákusek byly dobré, nicméně lívance s boruvkovym prelivem naprosto otřesné, těsto nedobré, lívance ohrate z mikrovlnky, takže gumové a preliv byl vysloveně špatny. Jídlo jsem nechala téměř netknute a bohužel obsluhu nezajímalo proč. Nicméně
Vladimír Buldra on Google

Příjemné prostředí, příjemná obsluha, výborné zákusky a opravdu domácí kvality
Pleasant environment, pleasant service, excellent desserts and really home quality
Nikola Jiráčková on Google

Malá kavárna / cukrárna na krásném místě. Venku je dostatek míst k sezení. Můžete si vybrat z lákavých zákusků, smlsnout si na lahodných palačinkách (bohatě naplněných Nutellou) nebo ochutnat výborné buchtičky s krémem. Obsluha je moc milá.
D. C on Google

The cakes speak for themselves, and, when the sun shines, where better to sit out and enjoy them. Back next weekend for more! (and some walking of course)
Andrea Pacholíková on Google

Maji to tam drahe ale stojí to za to
Floyd Lakatos on Google

got heavy food poisoning, and an emergency ride to the hospital after having an icecream, my friend and i had an icecream and my girlfriend a piece of cake, only me and my friend got the food poisoning, it tasted good, but that was a hell of an icecream.
Dana Zdenkova on Google

As a Czech expatriate, I was so excited to find this marmelade champion place I read about in few articles by chance while visiting Sumava mountains.Due holidays this place had adjusted working hours so made my friemd to drive me there again in opening hours..What a disappointing experience this was.I didnt sae any unigness..just copycat of cheesecakes and tiny jars of marmelade dpr just rediculus price..and never ending cue of people waiting to be served witn to sit..let me just remind you that there are dew tiny tables and yes all building just lookes like its in dire need to be fixed.

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