Socha T. G. Masaryka

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Socha T. G. Masaryka

Address :

Na Valech, 290 01 Poděbrady, Czechia

Categories :
City : Poděbrady

Na Valech, 290 01 Poděbrady, Czechia
Klára Jabůrková on Google

Marcela Svitáková on Google

Socha je zdařilá, jediné mínus je, že není na podstavci, ale na zemi. Tudíž je ohrožována dětmi i rozjařené mládeži.
The statue is successful, the only minus is that it is not on the pedestal but on the ground. Therefore, it is threatened by children and jolly youth.
Kenobe on Google

Zaslouží si to.
He deserves it.
Martin Wrzecionko on Google

Socha v životní velikosti. Sundal jsem mu roušku, on si ji nezaslouží.
Life size statue. I took off his veil, he doesn't deserve it.
Jaroslava Barbara on Google

Socha prezidenta TG Masaryka v lázeňském parku od sochaře Otto Gutfrenda je krásný monument, připomíná jedinečnou osobnost politika zakladatele první republiky. Denně chodíme okolo, mlčky vnímáme a přemýšlíme o významu a velikosti této osobnosti.Letos uplyne 170 let od jeho narození!
Statue of President TG Masaryk in the spa park by sculptor Otto Gutfrend is a beautiful monument, reminiscent of the unique personality of the founder of the First Republic. We walk around every day, we perceive silently and think about the significance and size of this personality. This year, 170 years have passed since his birth!
Fénix on Google

Soch Masaryků jsou stovky. Každopádně v parku je mnohem víc krásnějších soch.?
There are hundreds of statues of Masaryk. Anyway, there are many more beautiful statues in the park.?
Gregory Hage on Google

The statue of the 1st president of czechoslovakia.
Cool Cat on Google

Love the statue. It's right at the entrance of the park to welcome people coming in and easily accessible. You can't miss it. It's pretty decent quality too and about human sized. Great for selfies.

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