Sokol Buštěhrad - Sokolská 291/1

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sokol Buštěhrad

Address :

Sokolská 291/1, 273 43 Buštěhrad, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 273
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City : Buštěhrad

Sokolská 291/1, 273 43 Buštěhrad, Czechia
Petr Švarc on Google

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Pinčes dobrej
Good tweezers
DAG badman on Google

Buďme rádi že nějaká tělocvična je ?
Let's be glad that a gym is ?
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Sokol v Buštěhradě má více než stoletou tradici. Ustanovující valná hromada se konala 4. srpna 1894, stavba sokolovny začala v roce 1901 a dokončena byla o dva roky později. Sokolskou činnost omezila 1. světová válka. Po ní přišla ještě větší rána v podobě německé okupace. Činnost Sokola byla zakázána, mnoho členů zemřelo v koncentračních táborech. Po listopadu 1989 mohla sokolská činnost pokračovat a o dva roky později získala Tělocvičná jednota Sokol Buštěhrad sokolovnu zpět do vlastnictví. Sokol in Buštěhrad has more than a century of tradition. The inaugural general meeting was held on August 4, 1894, the construction of the Sokol gymnasium began in 1901 and was completed two years later. Sokol's activity was limited by the First World War. It was followed by an even bigger blow in the form of German occupation. Sokol's activities were banned, and many members died in concentration camps. After November 1989, the Sokol activity could continue, and two years later the Sokol Buštěhrad Gymnastics Unit regained the ownership of Sokol gymnasium.
Sokol in Buštěhrad has more than a century of tradition. The inaugural general meeting was held on August 4, 1894, the construction of the falconry began in 1901 and was completed two years later. Sokol's activity was limited by the First World War. It was followed by an even bigger blow in the form of German occupation. Sokol's activities were banned, and many members died in concentration camps. After November 1989, the Sokol activity could continue, and two years later the Sokol Buštěhrad Gymnastics Unit regained ownership of the Sokolovna. Sokol in Buštěhrad has more than a century of tradition. The inaugural general meeting was held on August 4, 1894, the construction of the Sokol gymnasium began in 1901 and was completed two years later. Sokol's activity was limited by the First World War. It was followed by an even bigger blow in the form of German occupation. Sokol's activities were banned, and many members died in concentration camps. After November 1989, the Sokol activity could continue, and two years later the Sokol Buštěhrad Gymnastics Unit regained the ownership of Sokol gymnasium.

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