Sparkys - Firuzağa Skandinávská 144/21 Kadiriler Yokuşu No:59

3.3/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Sparkys

Address :

Firuzağa Skandinávská 144/21 Kadiriler Yokuşu No:59, 344 25 wekipedia, Czechia

Postal code : 344
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday 9AM–8PM
Monday 9AM–8PM
Tuesday 9AM–8PM
Wednesday 9AM–8PM
Thursday 9AM–8PM
Friday 9AM–8PM
Saturday 9AM–8PM
City : wekipedia

Firuzağa Skandinávská 144/21 Kadiriler Yokuşu No:59, 344 25 wekipedia, Czechia
Jakub Dohnal on Google

Alexei Tcherkassov on Google

Обычный магазин детских игрушек. Удобный доступ к товарам, но ничего особенного.
Typical toy store. Easy access to goods but nothing special.
Jakub Kasanda on Google

Prodejna je to sice velká a výběr tím pádem taky, ale dostat se sem pěšky je snad nemožný. Nebo nevím, ale cesta skrz jižní spojku, kde je půlka cesty prostě uprostřed utnutá asi nebude tak správná cesta.
The store is large and so is the choice, but getting here on foot is perhaps impossible. Or I don't know, but the road through the southern junction, where half of the road is simply cut in the middle, will probably not be the right way.
Jan Huber on Google

Dvojí ceny na eshopu a prodejnách, lišící se o desítky procent. Neochota personálu situaci řešit. Na můj dotaz jestli mohu tedy objednávku vytvořit a zaplatit online mi bylo sděleno že bude k vyzvednutí až k večeru.
Double prices on e-shops and stores, differing by tens of percent. The reluctance of the staff to deal with the situation. So when I asked if I could create an order and pay online, I was told that it would be available for collection until the evening.

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