Šranková Markéta MUDr. - prakt. Lékařka Pro Děti A Dorost

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Šranková Markéta MUDr. - prakt. Lékařka Pro Děti A Dorost

Address :

Za Hanspaulkou 876, 160 00 Praha 6-Hanspaulka, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Website : http://www.mudrsrankova.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha 6 Hanspaulka

Za Hanspaulkou 876, 160 00 Praha 6-Hanspaulka, Czechia
Victoria Proulx on Google

Ужасный врач: прописывала кучу ненужных лекарств! совершенно не компетентна и груба!/Awful doctor: prescribed a bunch of unnecessary medications! Absolutely not competent and rude!/hrozný lékař: banda zbytečných léků je předepsáno! zcela kompetentní a těžké!
Ужасный врач: прописывала кучу ненужных лекарств! совершенно не компетентна и груба! / Awful doctor: prescribed a bunch of unnecessary medications! Absolutely not competent and rude! completely competent and difficult!
Modry Andel on Google

Вполне хороший врач. Ходим уже два года. Всегда старается серьезно подходить к лечению и не прописывать что то ненужное. Всегда найдёт время для ребёнка, если нужно срочно показаться.
It’s a good doctor. We have been walking for two years. She always tries to take treatment seriously and not prescribe something unnecessary. She will always find time for the child if she needs to urgently show herself.
Barbora Mitáš on Google

Paní doktorka je nesmírně laskavá a emaptická! Mám dceru s dětským autismem a paní doktorka je vždy velmi milá, starostlivá, ochotná a přátelská! Mohu jen doporučit!
The doctor is extremely kind and emaptic! I have a daughter with childhood autism and the doctor is always very kind, caring, helpful and friendly! I can only recommend!
Michaela Kotkova on Google

Úžasná paní doktorka. Velmi profesionální, pečlivá, ochotná, hodná s vřelým přístupem. Vše srozumitelně vysvětlí a zváží než cokoliv předepíše. Chodím k paní doktorce se synem a dcerou. Jsem naprosto spokojená! Velká pochvala i pro úžasnou sestřičku.
Amazing doctor. Very professional, careful, helpful, kind with a warm attitude. He explains and considers everything clearly than he prescribes. I go to the doctor with my son and daughter. I am completely satisfied! Great praise for the wonderful little sister.

Very good doctor!! Sometimes you have to be patient and wait beyond your appointment time because she has many patients, but she will never miss your appointment. Very professional and very straight forward... I recommend her without any problems.
Simin Sakaki on Google

MUDr. Šranková is very kind and patient with kids and also proffessional. She's always available via Email or phonecall. We've been her client for 3 years and we are 100% satisfied.
Iryna Berestyuk on Google

Murd M..Srankova is the best pediatric doctor I've experienced in my life. So blessed to grow kids with her. Thankful for a great support each time. Highly recommend.
Leila Amirova on Google

THe best doctor i have ever met in Czech Republic so far. She is very kind, very professional, she even becomes demanding when it about child's health. I remember she was mad at me because i did not arrange my child check up for his 3 years old. She remembers my child's all history . She is always reachable always providing you with information with big patience and empathy. and By the way , she speaks English which is another great plus for us as foreigners. Also she has a great and caring nurse. i highly recommend

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