St Joseph Church

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact St Joseph Church

Address :

Hrubá Skála 2, 511 01 Hrubá Skála, Czechia

Categories :
City : Hrubá Skála

Hrubá Skála 2, 511 01 Hrubá Skála, Czechia
Honza Kašpar on Google

Kostel i zámek jsou opraveny,a lákají k procházce. Pravda, je to do kopce, ale stojí to za to
The church and the chateau are repaired, and are attractive for a walk. True, it's uphill, but it's worth it
Lenka Housová on Google

Krásný udržovaný kostel v novoromantickém slohu z roku 1821.
Beautiful well-kept church in neo-romantic style from 1821.
Petr Koldovský on Google

Klasicistní kostel sv. Josefa byl postaven v roce 1812. Nechal jej postavit hrabě Josef Karel z Valdštejna.
Neoclassical church of st. Joseph was built in 1812. It was built by Count Joseph Karl von Wallenstein.
Morten Faurby Østergaard on Google

Hyggelig lille kirke, som sagtens tåler et besøg, hvis du alligevel er i nærheden. Det koster ikke noget at komme ind og der er ikke mange turister, der bevæger sig derind, så det er også en fin kirke at finde lidt ro i. Dog er det ikke en kirke , man skal køre ekstra efter.
Cozy little church, which can easily withstand a visit if you are nearby anyway. It does not cost anything to get in and there are not many tourists moving in there, so it is also a nice church to find some peace in. However, it is not a church you have to drive extra for.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Jednoduchý jednolodní klasicistní kostel bez věže nechal v roce 1812 podle projektu Jindřicha Hausknechta postavit tehdejší majitel panství hrabě Josef Karel z Valdštejna. Ten byl také o dva roky později pochován ve zdejší kryptě. Hlavní novogotický oltář sv. Josefa vyrobila na konci 19. století firma Bušků ze Sychrova. Kněžiště bylo vysekáno do skály, kterou nešlo odizolovat, takže kostel trpí nadměrnou vlhkostí. Situaci ještě zhoršily nepatřičné novodobé amatérské zásahy faráře Františka Kocmana z Rovenska pod Troskami bez stavebního povolení a souhlasu památkářů v první dekádě tohoto století. A simple one-nave Classicist church without a tower was built by Count Josef Karel of Wallenstein, according to a design by Jindřich Hausknecht. He was also buried two years later in the local crypt. Main neo-Gothic altar of St. Josef was built at the end of the 19th century by the company Bušek of Sychrov. The chancel was cut into a rock that could not be isolated, so the church suffers from excessive moisture. The situation was further aggravated by improper modern amateur interventions by the priest František Kocman from Rovensko pod Troskami without a building permit and approval of conservationists in the first decade of this century.
A simple single-nave Classicist church without a tower was built in 1812 according to a project by Jindřich Hausknecht by the then owner of the estate, Count Josef Karel of Valdštejn. He was also buried in the local crypt two years later. The main neo-Gothic altar of St. Josef was made at the end of the 19th century by the company Bušků ze Sychrova. The chancel was cut into a rock that could not be stripped, so the church suffers from excessive humidity. The situation was exacerbated by inappropriate modern amateur interventions by the priest František Kocman from Rovensko pod Troskami without a building permit and the consent of conservationists in the first decade of this century. A simple one-nave Classicist church without a tower was built by Count Josef Karel of Wallenstein, according to a design by Jindřich Hausknecht. He was also buried two years later in the local crypt. Main neo-Gothic altar of St. Josef was built at the end of the 19th century by the company Bušek of Sychrov. The chancel was cut into a rock that could not be isolated, so the church suffers from excessive moisture. The situation was further aggravated by improper modern amateur interventions by the priest František Kocman from Rovensko pod Troskami without a building permit and approval of conservationists in the first decade of this century.
Pavel on Google

Kostel ok, ale vedle parádní zámek evokující vzpomínku na prince Bajaju, nádherný výhled do okolí na pískovcové stěny a do dáli. Pod zámkem malé pískovcové skalní bludiště, nádherné místo na projití.
Church ok, but next to a great castle evoking the memory of Prince Bajaju, a magnificent view of the surroundings on the sandstone walls and into the distance. Below the castle is a small sandstone rock maze, a wonderful place to walk.
VladS on Google

Jednoduchý jednolodní kostel ve stylu romantické novogotiky nechal v roce 1812 podle projektu Jindřicha Hausknechta postavit tehdejší majitel panství hrabě Josef Karel z Valdštejna. Ten byl také po své smrti o dva roky později pochován ve zdejší kryptě. Jelikož bylo kněžiště vysekáno do skály, kterou nelze odizolovat, je kostel vlhký. Hlavní novogotický oltář sv. Josefa vyrobila na konci 19. století firma Bušků ze Sychrova. Většinu interiéru postupem času zničila dřevomorka domácí. V březnu 2003 nechal farář František Kocman z Rovenska pod Troskami bez stavebního povolení a souhlasu památkářů zalít zdejší původní pískovcovou podlahu betonem. Díky tomu došlo ke značnému poškození kostela, neboť vlhkost, která dříve odcházela pískovcovými póry, se nyní usazuje na stěnách kostela. V minulosti tentýž farář nechal ke kostelu načerno přistavět sakristii, za což dostal pokutu 300 000 Kč.
A simple single-nave church in the style of Romantic Neo-Gothic was built in 1812 according to a project by Jindřich Hausknecht by the then owner of the estate, Count Josef Karel of Valdštejn. He was also buried in the local crypt two years later after his death. As the chancel has been cut into a rock that cannot be stripped, the church is damp. The main neo-Gothic altar of St. Josef was made at the end of the 19th century by the Bušků ze Sychrov company. Over time, most of the interior was destroyed by a domestic woodshed. In March 2003, the parish priest František Kocman from Rovensko pod Troskami had the original sandstone floor poured with concrete without a building permit and the consent of conservationists. As a result, the church was severely damaged, as moisture, which had previously been removed by the sandstone pores, now settled on the church walls. In the past, the same pastor had a sacristy added to the church illegally, for which he received a fine of CZK 300,000.
Jiří Bartoš on Google

Klasicistní kostel, stojící před branou zámku Hrubá Skála a je částečně zapuštěn do skály. Jeho interiér je jednoduchý, ale moc hezký. V kryptě kostela je pohřben Josef Karel z Valdštejna, který ho také nechal postavit. Kostel je veřejnosti přístupný a rozhodně stojí za pozornost.
Classicist church, standing in front of the gate of the Hrubá Skála chateau and is partially sunk into the rock. Its interior is simple but very nice. Josef Karel of Valdštejn, who also had it built, is buried in the crypt of the church. The church is open to the public and definitely worth attention.

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