St. Norbert - Norbertov

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Contact St. Norbert

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Norbertov, 162 00 Praha 6, Czechia

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City : Praha

Norbertov, 162 00 Praha 6, Czechia
Eva Jordan on Google

Poměrně nový je tento kostel zasvěcený sv. Norbertovi. Jeho vznik inicioval opat strahovského kláštera Zikmund Starý. Kostel byl vystavěn v letech 1890-1891 v novorománském slohu.
Relatively new is this church dedicated to St. Norbert. Its creation was initiated by the abbot of the Strahov monastery Zikmund Stary. The church was built in 1890-1891 in the Neo-Romanesque style.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kostel Svatého Norberta vzniknul jako nástupce kaple Panny Marie Andělské, která už svou kapacitou nedostačovala věřícím ve Střešovicích. Dnes je kaple součástí barokní usedlosti Šlejferka, která slouží jako řeholní dům Školských sester sv. Františka, a jsou v ní stále denně slouženy veřejné bohoslužby. Kostel byl postaven mezi lety 1889 – 1891 jako trojlodní klenutá bazilika s polokruhovou apsidou v novorománském slohu stavitelem Jaroslavem Kuchtou podle projektu architekta Františka Rožánka. Objekt patří Strahovskému klášteru. Společně s kostelem byla jižně od něj postavena budova fary (ulice Farní, čp. 2), a zřejmě také kaple, zvaná Střešovická zvonička, v ulici Nad Hradním vodojemem. V kostele sv. Norberta se konají pravidelné římskokatolické bohoslužby každou středu, pátek a po celý víkend od 17:30, v neděli je navíc přidána ranní mše od 9:30. The Church of St. Norbert was established as a successor of the Chapel of Our Lady of Angels, which by its capacity was not sufficient for the believers in Střešovice anymore. Today the chapel is part of the Baroque estate Šlejferka, which serves as a religious house of the School Sisters of St. Francis, and there daily public worship are still happening there. The Church of St. Norbert was built between 1889 - 1891 as a three-nave vaulted basilica with a semicircular apse in Neo-Romanesque style by the architect Jaroslav Kuchta according to a project by architect František Rožánek. The building belongs to the Strahov Monastery. Together with the church also a parish building was made south of it (Farní Street, No. 2), and probably also a chapel called Střešovická Belfry in Street named "Nad Hradním vodojemem". In St. Norbert's church regular Roman Catholic worship is held every Wednesday, Friday, and throughout the weekend from 5:30 pm, and on Sunday, one more morning mass is added from 9:30 am.
The Church of St. Norbert was established as a successor to the Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels, which was no longer large enough for the faithful in Střešovice. Today, the chapel is part of the Baroque homestead Šlejferka, which serves as a religious house of the School Sisters of St. Francis, and public services are still held there daily. The church was built between 1889 and 1891 as a three-aisled vaulted basilica with a semicircular apse in the neo-Romanesque style by the builder Jaroslav Kuchta according to the project of the architect František Rožánek. The building belongs to the Strahov Monastery. Together with the church, a rectory building was built south of it (Farní Street, No. 2), and probably also a chapel, called Střešovická zvonička, in Nad Hradním vodojemem Street. In the church of St. Norbert's regular Roman Catholic services are held every Wednesday, Friday and throughout the weekend from 5:30 p.m., and on Sunday, a morning Mass is added from 9:30 p.m. The Church of St. Norbert was established as a successor of the Chapel of Our Lady of Angels, which by its capacity was not sufficient for the believers in Střešovice anymore. Today the chapel is part of the Baroque estate Šlejferka, which serves as a religious house of the School Sisters of St. Francis, and there daily public worship are still happening there. The Church of St. Norbert was built between 1889 - 1891 as a three-nave vaulted basilica with a semicircular apse in Neo-Romanesque style by the architect Jaroslav Kuchta according to a project by architect František Rožánek. The building belongs to the Strahov Monastery. Together with the church also a parish building was made south of it (Farní Street, No. 2), and probably also a chapel called Střešovická Belfry in Street named "Nad Hradním vodojemem". In St. Norbert's church regular Roman Catholic worship is held every Wednesday, Friday, and throughout the weekend from 5:30 pm, and on Sunday, one more morning mass is added from 9:30 am.
Milan Popović on Google

Svaka preporuka za odlazak i probavanje piva i kolenice sa sosom od suvih šljiva. ??
Any recommendation for going and tasting beer and knees with prune sauce. ??
Nada Riskova on Google

Kostel je v neoromanskem stavebním slohu, nedaleko Mullerove vily , krásná a klidná lokalita, procházka po starých uličkách bývalé osady Stresovic bude krásným doplňkem k prohlídce kostela sv.Norberta.
The church is in the neo-Romanesque building style, near Muller's villa, a beautiful and quiet location, a walk through the old streets of the former settlement of Stresovice will be a beautiful addition to a tour of the church of St. Norbert.
Magdalienka MCM on Google

Kostel sv. Norberta-hezká kulturní památka. Jednoduchý a skromný kostel.
Church of St. Norbert-nice cultural monument. A simple and modest church.
Kamil K on Google

Bardzo ładny kościół neoromański.
Very nice neo-Romanesque church.
Vlasta Hrabáková on Google

Pěkná klidná čtvrť,krásné bydlení a blízko k tramvajím ,které sjedou k metru.Opodal Zahradnictví Chládek!!!
Nice quiet neighborhood, beautiful living and close to trams that descend to the subway. Opodal Zahradnictví Chládek !!!
Michal Zdeněk Zachar (PEI) on Google

K velké radosti střešovických věřících bylo ke konci 19. století rozhodnuto o výstavbě nového kostela při dnešní Sibeliově ulici. Stavbu inicioval opat strahovského premonstrátského kláštera Zikmund Starý. I proto byl kostel zasvěcen sv. Norbertovi, neboť tento světec je zakladatelem tohoto církevního řádu. Projekt vypracoval arch. František Rožánek a to v novorománském slohu. Jelikož základy byly vykopány ještě před položením základního kamene, které se uskutečnilo 7. května 1890, šly práce rychle kupředu. Proto již 12. července 1891 mohl být nový svatostánek slavnostně vysvěcen. Vzdor silnému dešti se dostavili četní hodnostáři, spolky se svými prapory a téměř veškeré obyvatelstvo Střešovic. A co na to dobový tisk: „Je to krásná novorománská budova, jež se na návrší střešovickém do výše zvedá a celé krajině vévodí. Délku má 44, šířku 13 a výšku 15 metrů. V průčelí stojí vysoká věž. Kostel je zbudován v podobě kříže a má dvě postranní kaple. Uvnitř je jeden hlavní a dva postranní oltáře. Naproti kostelu stojí nová farní budova a domek pro kostelníka.“ Průčelní věž je čtyřhranná, zdobená obloučkovým vlysem a lizénami, zakončená trojúhelníkovými štíty a osmibokou helmicovitou střechou s hrotem a makovicí. Pod štíty jsou trojdílná novorománská sdružená okénka. Výstup do věže je zprvu po kamenných schodech, od úrovně kruchty po dřevěném schodišti. Původní dva zvony byly rekvírovány již v I. světové válce. Od roku 2001 je zde zavěšen zvon z roku 1611, který sem byl přemístěn z kostela sv. Jiří v Jevanech – Aldašíně. O pět let později přibyl ještě zvon Felix odlitý v Pasově. Kostel sv. Norberta má rovněž na hřebenu střechy klasickou sanktusníkovou věžičku. Tam je zavěšen zvon z roku 1891, tedy z doby otevření kostela. Měl jsem tu čest v něm zvonit. Je to nádherný pocit.
To the great joy of the Střešovice believers, at the end of the 19th century it was decided to build a new church at today's Sibeliova Street. The construction was initiated by the abbot of the Strahov Premonstratensian monastery, Zikmund Starý. That is why the church was dedicated to St. Norbert, for this saint is the founder of this ecclesiastical order. The project was developed by architect František Rožánek in the neo-Romanesque style. As the foundations were excavated before the foundation stone was laid, which took place on May 7, 1890, the work progressed quickly. Therefore, already on July 12, 1891, the new tabernacle could be solemnly consecrated. Despite the heavy rain, numerous dignitaries, associations with their battalions and almost the entire population of Střešovice arrived. And what about the period press: “It is a beautiful neo-Romanesque building, which rises to a height on the Střešovice hill and dominates the whole landscape. It is 44 meters long, 13 meters wide and 15 meters high. There is a tall tower in the facade. The church is built in the form of a cross and has two side chapels. Inside is one main and two side altars. Opposite the church is a new parish building and a house for the churchman. " The front tower is square, decorated with an arched frieze and lysines, topped by triangular gables and an octagonal helical roof with a point and a poppy. Under the gables are three-part neo-Romanesque combined windows. The ascent to the tower is first by stone steps, from the level of the bar to the wooden staircase. The original two bells were requisitioned in World War I. Since 2001, a bell from 1611 has been hung here, which was moved here from the church of St. Jiří in Jevany - Aldašín. Five years later, a Felix bell cast in Passau was added. Church of St. Norbert also has a classic sanctuary tower on the ridge of the roof. There is a bell from 1891, ie from the time the church was opened. I had the honor of ringing in him. It's a wonderful feeling.

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