St. Voršily

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Contact St. Voršily

Address :

Klicperovo nám., 503 51 Chlumec nad Cidlinou, Czechia

Categories :
City : Chlumec nad Cidlinou

Klicperovo nám., 503 51 Chlumec nad Cidlinou, Czechia
Filip Grygera on Google

Zajímavý slepenec stylů. Bohužel ve špatném stavu a uprostřed průjezdného náměstí, kudy vede hlučná doprava
Interesting conglomerate of styles. Unfortunately, in poor condition and in the middle of a clear square where noisy traffic leads
sporty james on Google

No myslim ze by potreboval opravit jinak pekny kostel
Well, I think he would need to fix an otherwise nice church
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Děkanský chrám sv. Voršily na Klicperově náměstí byl vystavěný nákladem obce a Janem z Pernštejna. Trojlodní stavba s hranolovou věží je projevem smíšení pozdní gotiky a renesance. Nad vchodem z jihu je umístěna pernštýnská zubří hlava. Kostel se začal stavět roku 1536. Stavba byla dokončena v roce 1543, k dostavbě chrámové věže došlo v průběhu 16. a 17. století. Ta ale dlouho zůstávala nedokončena, báň na její špičku byla osazena až v roce 1677. Za třicetileté války byl kostel roku 1634 zpustošen saským vojskem a dvakrát vyhořel - v roce 1677 a 1733. Dean's Cathedral of St. Voršila on Klicperovo Square was built by the village and Jan of Pernštejn. The three-nave building with a prismatic tower is a manifestation of the mix of late Gothic and Renaissance. Above the entrance to the south is Pernštýn's family sign of bison head. The church was built in 1536. The construction was completed in 1543, and the tower was completed during the 16th and 17th centuries. But it remained unfinished for a long time, the dome at its peak was not installed until 1677. During the Thirty Years' War the church was devastated by the Saxon army in 1634. It also burnt down twice - in 1677 and 1733.
Dean's Church of St. Voršily on Klicper Square was built at the expense of the village and by Jan of Pernštejn. The three-aisled building with a prismatic tower is a manifestation of the mixing of late Gothic and Renaissance. Above the entrance from the south is the Pernštýn bison head. The construction of the church began in 1536. The construction was completed in 1543, the church tower was completed during the 16th and 17th centuries. However, it remained unfinished for a long time, the dome at its top was not installed until 1677. During the Thirty Years' War, the church was ravaged by the Saxon army in 1634 and burned down twice - in 1677 and 1733. Dean's Cathedral of St. Voršila on Klicperovo Square was built by the village and Jan of Pernštejn. The three-nave building with a prismatic tower is a manifestation of the mix of late Gothic and Renaissance. Above the entrance to the south is Pernštýn's family sign of bison head. The church was built in 1536. The construction was completed in 1543, and the tower was completed during the 16th and 17th centuries. But it remained unfinished for a long time, the dome at its peak was not installed until 1677. During the Thirty Years' War the church was devastated by the Saxon army in 1634. It also burnt down twice - in 1677 and 1733.
Eva Jordan on Google

Pozdně gotický kostel z let 1536-43 byl dostavěn již jako renesanční a tak je krásným dokladem tohoto přechodového období. Na kostele náhrobky ze starého hřbitova, znak Perštýnů. Krásná stavba vévodí chlumeckému náměstí.
The late Gothic church from 1536-43 was completed as a Renaissance and is a beautiful testament to this transition period. On the church tombstones from the old cemetery, emblem of the Persians. Beautiful building dominates Chlumec Square.
Aleš Synek on Google

Pokud se setkáte s panem farářem, budete se tomuto místu vyhýbat. Od té doby co nastoupil stará se, aby do kostela přišlo co nejméně lidí.
If you meet the priest, you will avoid this place. Since joining, he has been caring that as few people as possible come to church.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Velmi zajímavá stavba na které si uvědomíme, jaký čas v té době potřebovaly prvky nových archit. směrů k postupu z jihozápadu Evropy na český venkov. Po rekatolizaci jsme rychle doháněli a začátkem 20. st. jsme byli v kubismu a funkcionalismu vpředu. Pak jsme v 50. letech zase poklesli k potupnému vlezdopr...ovství.
A very interesting building on which we realize what time the elements of the new architects needed at that time. directions to move from southwestern Europe to the Czech countryside. After re-Catholicization, we quickly caught up and at the beginning of the 20th century. we were at the forefront of cubism and functionalism. Then, in the 1950s, we fell again to a disgraceful conspiracy.
Otto Horný on Google

Kostel postavený v letech 1536 až 1543 na náklady obce a hlavně Jana z Pernštejna. Je projevem smíšení gotického a renesančního slohu. Během své historie několikrát vyhořel a byl představován. Zajímavé jsou i náhrobky kolem zdí a socha Panny Marie ve výklenku kostela.
Jiří Jurečka on Google

Beautiifull - everythink.

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