studánka Pod Pekařovkou - 27928

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Contact studánka Pod Pekařovkou

Address :

27928, 511 01 Vyskeř, Czechia

Postal code : 511
Categories :
City : Vyskeř

27928, 511 01 Vyskeř, Czechia
Petr Bureš on Google

Josef Pekař on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Železitý pramen, o který pečují místní chalupáři a Správa silnic. Nedávno byla studánka Pod Pekařovkou krásně zrekonstruována. V okolí je nádherná příroda a zdejší silnice naštěstí netrpí frekventovaným automobilovým provozem (jen pozor na cyklisty obzvláště pokud jste s dětmi). Údolí Žehrovky je jedno z nejbohatších přírodních území v Českém ráji. Díky různorodým podmínkám tu v těsném sousedství žijí teplomilné a horské druhy rostlin i živočichů. The ferrous Spring, which is cared for by local cottagers and Road Administration. Recently, the well called "Pod Pekařovkou" has been nicely renovated. There is beautiful nature in the surroundings and fortunately the local roads do not suffer from frequent car traffic (just watch out for cyclists especially if you are with children). The Žehrovka Valley is one of the richest natural areas in the Bohemian Paradise. Thanks to the diverse conditions, there are thermophilous and mountainous plants and animals living in close proximity.
An iron spring cared for by local cottagers and the Road Administration. Recently, the well Pod Pekařovkou was beautifully reconstructed. The surroundings are beautiful nature and the local road fortunately does not suffer from frequent car traffic (just watch out for cyclists, especially if you are with children). The Žehrovka Valley is one of the richest natural areas in the Bohemian Paradise. Thanks to the diverse conditions, thermophilic and mountain species of plants and animals live here in the immediate vicinity. The ferrous Spring, which is cared for by local cottagers and Road Administration. Recently, the well called "Pod Pekařovkou" has been nicely renovated. There is beautiful nature in the surroundings and fortunately the local roads do not suffer from frequent car traffic (just watch out for cyclists especially if you are with children). The Žehrovka Valley is one of the richest natural areas in the Bohemian Paradise. Thanks to the diverse conditions, there are thermophilous and mountainous plants and animals living in close proximity.

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