Super Doner Kebab

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Super Doner Kebab

Address :

Evropská 694/18, 160 00 Praha 6-Dejvice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7779
Categories :
City : Praha 6 Dejvice

Evropská 694/18, 160 00 Praha 6-Dejvice, Czechia
Mikuláš on Google

Dobrý kebab, chodím sem půl roku aspoň jednou za týden. Pobočka na Hradčanské ze stejného řetězce je o chlup lepší a jejich porce malinko větší, ale tady zase dávají slevu na ISIC. Špatně mi nikdy nebylo a maso jsem spálené neměl.
Good kebab, I come here at least once a week for half a year. The branch on Hradčanská from the same chain is a hair better and their portions are slightly larger, but here they give a discount on ISIC. I was never sick and I didn't have burnt meat.
Nikita Belozerov on Google

Žádám vás, abyste vše věnovali pozornost a hlavně VEDENÍ kebabu. Máte chutné kebaby, ale jedna věc vám kazí reputace. Prodejce nepoužívá jednorázové rukavice, nemyje si ruce. Dotkne se peněz, platebního terminálu, JIDLA a pak si otře ruce do kalhot. Je to strašné. Žádám vás, abyste proti tomu zakročili a tento komentář okamžitě smažu. Kupte rukavice pro své zaměstnance a poučte. Ale zatím jsem velmi zklamaný a nikomu nedoporučuji jíst tady, pokud nechcete skončit v nemocnici.
I ask you to pay attention to everything and especially KEBAB management. You have delicious kebabs, but one thing is ruining your reputation. The seller does not use disposable gloves, he does not wash his hands. He touches the money, the payment terminal, FOOD, and then wipes his hands on his pants. That's horrible. I ask you to take action against this and delete this comment immediately. Buy gloves for your employees and learn. But so far I am very disappointed and I do not recommend anyone to eat here unless you end up in the hospital.
Jiří Kouba on Google

Karen Tim on Google

The food is not tasty at all. I didn’t like it.
Ondřej Marvan on Google

Large portions that are worth the price and delicious. :-) Thank you.
William B on Google

It’s okay, I mean if you are really hungry it’s okay but as a bit of a kebab connoisseur there are a few better places in prague. I am not a fan of meat with bits of fat/gristle in it, the meat could be prepared/cut slightly better. I will give it a few weeks and try again in and if better I will amend my review accordingly.
Dilara E. on Google

Even though Im completely healthy and have no problem with stomach. Had a durum from here and agter like 7-8 hours (didn't eat anything-i was sleeping) i threw up whole thing. Such bad experience. İ regret buying from here. And ı had kebap from other places in prague before never experienced something like this.
Duc Nguyen on Google

Bread was a little burnt. For emergency ok but there are much better places in Prague for kebab

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