The Fisherman and His Fish Fountain - Liberecká

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact The Fisherman and His Fish Fountain

Address :

Liberecká, 473 01 Nový Bor, Czechia

Postal code : 473
Website :
Categories :
City : Nový Bor

Liberecká, 473 01 Nový Bor, Czechia
Lubos Matousek on Google

Na můj vkus moc tmavé místo a je tu málo laviček
For my taste too dark place and there are few benches
Milan Keršláger on Google

Moc pěkné - socha, vodotrysk, lavičky. Škoda že u rušné silnice.
Very nice - statue, fountain, benches. Too bad on a busy road.
Lukáš Janow on Google

Rybář je bývalý starší pán, který jezdil po Boru s sběrem.
The fisherman is a former senior gentleman who rode along Bor with a collection.
Petr Honsnejman on Google

Zajímavá turistická atrakce v centru města. Vznikla na počest „nejslavnějšího“ bezdomovce z Nového Boru pana Františka Petráka.
Interesting tourist attraction in the city center. It was created in honor of František Petrák, the “most famous” homeless person in Nový Bor.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Prostor Tyršova náměstí, v blízkosti kruhového objezdu, zdobí dvě bronzové sochy. V kašně je to socha sedícího Rybáře, který v ruce drží rybu chrlící vodu a na blízké lavičce je to socha sedící ženy s kočkou v náručí a stojící malé dívky. The area of Tyrš Square, near the roundabout in Nový Bor, is decorated with two bronze statues. In the fountain it is a statue of a sitting Fisherman holding a fish spewing water in his hand and on a nearby bench it is a statue of a sitting woman with a cat in her arms and a standing little girl.
The area of ​​Tyršova náměstí, near the roundabout, is decorated with two bronze statues. In the fountain it is a statue of a sitting Fisherman holding a fish spewing water in his hand and on a nearby bench it is a statue of a sitting woman with a cat in her arms and a standing little girl. The area of ​​Tyrš Square, near the roundabout in Nový Bor, is decorated with two bronze statues. In the fountain it is a statue of a sitting Fisherman holding a fish spewing water in his hand and on a nearby bench it is a statue of a sitting woman with a cat in her arms and a standing little girl.
Башкирский Городовой on Google

Увидел чисто случайно во время пешей прогулки по городу. Статуи на мой взгляд интересные.
I saw it purely by accident while walking around the city. The statues are interesting in my opinion.
Rostislav Jakub Krause on Google

Moc klidné místo vzhledem ke křižovatce to není , ale je to hezké
It's not a very quiet place because of the intersection, but it's nice
I. T. on Google


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