Time Out - Chlumecká 765/6

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Time Out

Address :

Chlumecká 765/6, 190 00 Praha 9-Černý Most, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7777
Postal code : 190
Website : http://www.timeoutplus.cz/
Categories :

Chlumecká 765/6, 190 00 Praha 9-Černý Most, Czechia
Markéta Kežovská on Google

Rozhodně nejlepší dětská herna v síti Timeout. Je zde vždy krásně uklizeno - paní z recepce několikrát během naší návštěvy prošla celý koutek a poklidila hračky, zkontrolovala děti na trampolíně a dohlížela, aby jich na ní nebylo více a chovala se ke všem velmi mile. Velmi příjemná je i obsluha kavárny. Při odchodu dostala dcerka balónek a to byla třešnička na dortu :D Moc děkujeme a určitě se zase rády vrátíme :)
Definitely the best children's playroom in the Timeout network. It is always beautifully cleaned here - the lady from the reception several times during our visit went through the whole corner and cleaned the toys, checked the children on the trampoline and made sure that there were no more of them and treated everyone very nicely. The staff of the cafe is also very pleasant. Upon leaving, the daughter received a balloon and it was the icing on the cake: D Thank you very much and we will definitely be back again :)
R. Rody (Turista Cestovatel) on Google

Je super, že je to veliké a je tam spousta hraček. Veliké mínus je, že pouze v jedné jediné hračce nejsou vybité baterky. Jinak nic nefunguje. Taky záleží na jakou směnu narazíte, dnes tam byla paní u recepce a slečny v parku. Ale ty byly zalezlé vevnitř v části pro personál, kde si povídali. Děti co tam byly bez rodičů je vůbec nezajímaly. Vůbec si jich nevšímali i když to potřebovali. Manžel byl pak zaplatit útratu na baru a slečna klebetila akorát a opravářem, který se ji očividně dost líbil, takže neměla vubec čas, no trapas... ? Naopak slečna z neděle byla moc milá, o děti se zajímala, hlídala je a věnovala se jim. Tak to má vypadat. Dneska to bylo hrozný. Hračky by potřebovaly umýt, jsou dost opatlané. Kdyby se vylepšil personál a zvýšila se péče o hračky, bylo by to tam na 5 hvězd.
It's great that it's big and there are a lot of toys. The big disadvantage is that only one single toy does not have discharged flashlights. Otherwise nothing works. It also depends on what shift you come across, today there was a lady at the reception and a young lady in the park. But they were stuck inside in the staff section where they were talking. The children who were there without their parents were not interested in them at all. They didn't notice them at all, even though they needed it. The husband was then to pay the expenses at the bar, and the young lady was just gossiping about it and the repairman, who obviously liked her enough, so she didn't have time at all, but no worries ... ? On the contrary, the young lady from Sunday was very nice, she was interested in the children, she looked after them and cared for them. That's what it's supposed to look like. It was terrible today. Toys would need to be washed, they are quite cared for. If the staff was improved and toy care was increased, it would be 5 stars there.
Tereza Slúková on Google

Některé hračky už na konci životnosti, ale dětem to nevadí :D krásné bouldery :) spoustu odrážedel na výběr :) S dvěma dětmi 300,-kc/ hod. Kafe 40,- :)
Some toys at the end of their life, but children do not mind: D beautiful boulders :) a lot of bouncers to choose from :) With two children 300, - CZK / hour Coffee 40, - :)
Kateřina Matějková on Google

Krásná dětská herna. Z kavárny je vidět na velkou část herny. Personál moc milý a především je zde krásně uklizeno. Určitě rádi přijdeme zase.
Beautiful children's playroom. A large part of the games room can be seen from the café. The staff is very nice and above all it is beautifully tidy. We will definitely be back again.
Deidre Pye on Google

Great! Very clean. Staff are very kid focused. One staff member spoke english which was very handy for the non czech amongst us.
dragana apostol on Google

Veri big end have everything for kids
Jan Bakalar on Google

The environment is lovely, the decorations and layout are thought though to zones, covering the needs of the smallest children to the age of about 10. There are miniature trains, slides, a large trampoline, a TV, playstations, tricycles, kitchen units, teddies and dinos, large light building bricks, a space for drawing and a nice cafffe with a dedicated spot for special celebrations. Advantages: =========== - Large - Lots of toys and corners - A child will easily spend two three hours there Disadvantages: ============= - Staff just hangs around chatting together without checking on the kids. If your kid is sensitive or often likes to test the boundaries (trying to climb out) then don't rely on them. Easy going and well behaved children will have no issues. - In winter times it's hard to get in with queues for up to 30 mins. - Slight hazard with rowdy kids driving tricycles over your toes, as the cycling area is narrow. - Hopefully a unique case: In Cerny Most, there are many Russians in the area and some of them are notably more aggressive. My kid wanted to hug another one in this softplay and the father of this child thought she was trying to attack his daughter from the back. He wanted to have a fist fight with me there and then and started to shout at my wife in Russian. The staff did not do a thing. We ended up leaving the place abruptly but came back many times since then and it was fine. Since the incident a I carry pepper spray with me whenever we visit this place.
Petra Duarte on Google

Very well equipped and designed place for kids all ages. You can take even the smallest babies, they have special protected area for the very little ones as well as a lot of fun for the older kids. Enough toys, toilets, drinkable coffee. Only negative is not really “healthy“ food (not even krupky or kapsicky) and also when the place is full there is not enough staff to keep an eye on the situation.

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