TJ Sokol Bubeneč - Korunovační 630/29

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact TJ Sokol Bubeneč

Address :

Korunovační 630/29, 170 00 Praha 7-Bubeneč, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +789
Postal code : 170
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha 7 Bubeneč

Korunovační 630/29, 170 00 Praha 7-Bubeneč, Czechia
Brawl 242 on Google

V B on Google

Skvělý trénink juda
Great judo training
Busak on Google

Tyhle sprchy musíte zažít!
You have to experience these showers!
Honza Pavlík on Google

Budova součástí Letenské historie
The building is part of Letna history
Vít Pavlů on Google

Tělocvičny s novým povrchem pro míčové sporty.
Gyms with a new surface for ball sports.
Květa Střítezská on Google

Nejlepší tělocvična na volejbal, co znám ?
The best gym for volleyball I know ?
Daniel Straka on Google

Až na studenou vodu ve sprše po turnaji, vše super jako vždy.
Except for the cold water in the shower after the tournament, everything is great as always.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Sokolové z Bubenče položili základní kámen nové sokolovny v roce 1911, avšak do začátku první světové války nestačili budovu dokončit a stavební práce museli na několik let přerušit. Dokončení se stavba dočkala až roku 1927. Sokolové zde mohli nejen cvičit, ale měli možnost navštěvovat i divadelní kursy nebo zkoušky tanečního orchestru. The Sokol people from Bubeneč laid the foundation stone of the new Sokol house in 1911, but were not able to finish the building until the beginning of the First World War and the construction work had to be interrupted for several years. The construction did not finish until 1927. The Sokol people could not only practice here but also had the opportunity to attend theater courses or dance orchestra rehearsals.
The Sokolov family from Bubenče laid the foundation stone of the new falconry in 1911, but by the beginning of the First World War they had not completed the building and had to interrupt the construction work for several years. The construction was not completed until 1927. The Sokolovs could not only practice here, but also had the opportunity to attend theater courses or dance orchestra rehearsals. The Sokol people from Bubeneč laid the foundation stone of the new Sokol house in 1911, but were not able to finish the building until the beginning of the First World War and the construction work had to be interrupted for several years. The construction did not finish until 1927. The Sokol people could not only practice here but also had the opportunity to attend theater courses or dance orchestra rehearsals.

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