Tourist Information Center Kadaň - J. Švermy 7

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tourist Information Center Kadaň

Address :

J. Švermy 7, 432 01 Kadaň, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79
Postal code : 432
Website :
Categories :
City : Kadaň

J. Švermy 7, 432 01 Kadaň, Czechia
Tomáš Kašoun on Google

Tady se o Kadani a okolí dozvíte vše potřebné. Ochotně Vám tady poradí a postarají se o Vás. Mimo jiné zde najdete CzechPOINT, Ticketportal, úschovnu zavazadel a jízdních kol, půjčovnu jízdních kol a veřejné wc. Vše pro turisty.
Here you can find out everything you need about Kadan and its surroundings. They will be happy to advise you and take care of you. Among other things, you will find CzechPOINT, Ticketportal, luggage and bicycle storage, bicycle rental and a public toilet. Everything for tourists.
Vera Holcmanová on Google

Není to turistické informační centrum, ale jedná se o velmi krásný Klášter Františkánů v Kadani. Má svou historii a kulturní hodnotu. Je chráněn památkových úřadem.
It is not a tourist information center, but it is a very beautiful Franciscan Monastery in Kadaň. It has a history and cultural value. It is protected by heritage offices.
Sona Stoiljkovic on Google

Mezi nejvýznamnější památky města patří hrad, který se vypíná na skále nad řekou Ohří, Františkánský klášter s kostelem Čtrnácti svatých Pomocníků, kostel Povýšení sv. Kříže, radnice s unikátní věží či pozůstatky městského opevnění, tzv. Žatecký barbakán.
The most important monuments of the city include the castle, which rises on a rock above the river Ohří, the Franciscan monastery with the church of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, the church of the Exaltation of St. Crosses, the town hall with a unique tower or the remains of the city fortifications, the so-called Žatec Barbican.
Monika M on Google

Známky, vizitky, razítka do deníku. Vše pořízeno. Klasické informační centrum. Malinko paní zmatkovala když tam měla víc lidí.
Stamps, business cards, diary stamps. Everything taken. Classic information center. Malinko was confused when she had more people there.
Mart Br on Google

Moc ochotní, zapomněla jsem něco na infu a slečna se mi snažila problém vyřešit, protože jsem už nebyla ve městě, hledala schůdné řešení. Děkuji moc...
Very helpful, I forgot something about the info and the young lady tried to solve the problem for me, because I was no longer in the city, she was looking for a viable solution. Thank you very much...
Hana Zýková on Google

Potřebovala jsem výpis ze základních registrů, přišla jsem kolem 8:45 a byla jsem doslova vyhnána s tím, že na mě nemají čas, neb jdou s dětmi na vlastivědnou výpravu. Jedna pracovnice seděla u PC , druhá mladá asi zřejmě tuto službu neumí vykonávat, třetí si tam pobíhala . Posílali mne na poštu, nicméně nevidím důvod běhat přes půl města na poštu, když mám CZECH POINT u nosu.
I needed an extract from the basic registers, I arrived around 8:45 and I was literally banished, saying that they didn't have time for me, because they were going on a homeland studies trip with the children. One worker was sitting at a PC, the other young one probably can't perform this service, the third was running there. They sent me to the post office, however, I see no reason to run across half the city to the post office when I have CZECH POINT on my nose.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Turistické informační centrum najdete v krásném barokním domě - původně však šlo o dva gotické domy, které byly spojeny při barokní přestavbě v roce 1750. Dům je významnou součástí městské památkové rezervace. Infocentrum je slušně vybaveno a narazil jsem tu na milý a ochotný personál. Jediné, co bych na tomto místně vytknul - a to samozřejmě ne tomuto infocentru, ale městu. Jak je možné, že v jednom z nejkrásnějších českých měst není možné zakoupit jeho rozsáhlou a podrobnější publikaci? Byl jsem ochoten za ni utratit do 2 000 Kč, protože si zkrátka Kadaň zaslouží výpravnou publikaci. Nebyl jsem úspěšný ani tu, ani v galerii, v klášteře, ani na hradě a později ani na webu. Velká škoda... The Tourist Information Center can be found in a beautiful Baroque house - originally it were two Gothic houses, which were connected during the Baroque reconstruction in 1750. The house is an important part of the urban conservation area. The information center is well equipped and I met here friendly and helpful staff. The only thing I would criticize in this locality - and of course not to this information center, but to Kadaň town. How is it possible that in one of the most beautiful Czech cities it is not possible to purchase a large and detailed publication abou it? I was willing to spend up to CZK 2,000 for it, because Kadaň simply deserves an epic publication. I was not successful either here or in the gallery, in the monastery, in the castle and later on in the web. What a pity!
The Tourist Information Center can be found in a beautiful Baroque house - originally it was two Gothic houses, which were connected during the Baroque reconstruction in 1750. The house is an important part of the urban conservation area. The information center is well equipped and I came across nice and helpful staff. The only thing I would criticize at this locality - and of course not to this information center, but to the city. How is it possible that in one of the most beautiful Czech cities it is not possible to buy a large and detailed publication? I was willing to spend up to CZK 2,000 on it, because Kadaň simply deserves an epic publication. I was not successful either here or in the gallery, in the monastery, in the castle and later on in the web. Such a shame... The Tourist Information Center can be found in a beautiful Baroque house - originally it was two Gothic houses, which were connected during the Baroque reconstruction in 1750. The house is an important part of the urban conservation area. The information center is well equipped and I met here friendly and helpful staff. The only thing I would criticize in this locality - and of course not to this information center, but to Kadaň town. How is it possible that one of the most beautiful Czech cities it is not possible to buy a large and detailed publication abou it? I was willing to spend CZK 2,000 for it, because Kadaň simply deserves an epic publication. I was not successful either here or in the gallery, in the monastery, in the castle and later on in the web. What a pity!
Otec Riju on Google

Reklamní slogan IC je geniální: "Každá návštěva začíná v turistickém informačním centru. Ať už hledáte doplňující informace, nebo si chcete zakoupit suvenýry, tohle je to správné místo". Ano, je to pravda, a asi právě proto máte na podzim a v zimě o víkendech, kdy většina lidí cestuje, zavřeno. Bravo.
The IC advertising slogan is ingenious: "Every visit starts at the tourist information center. Whether you are looking for additional information or you want to buy souvenirs, this is the right place". Yes, it's true, and that's probably why you're closed in the fall and winter on weekends, when most people travel. Bravo.

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