Transport Company Brno - Pisárky

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Contact Transport Company Brno - Pisárky

Address :

Hlinky 64, 603 00 Brno-střed-Pisárky, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Website :
Categories :
City : Brno střed Pisárky

Hlinky 64, 603 00 Brno-střed-Pisárky, Czechia
Lucie Hlávková on Google

Co dodat, obrazek at si udělá každý sám..
What to add, obrazek and everyone will do it alone ..
Zdeněk Trnka on Google

Jezdím pravidelně každý den MHD okolo. Se službami dopravního podniku jsem spokojen.
I regularly drive around every day by public transport. I am satisfied with the services of the transport company.
Jakub Pysko on Google

Obedy od 10:30 do 13:30,vyber z peti menu,cena okolo 80kc i s polevkou a pitim (caj, sirup), dobra kuchyn,rychle se najite
Lunch from 10:30 to 13:30, choose from five menus, a price of about 80kc even with a frying pan and tea (tea, syrup), good cuisine, fast find
Krizovensky Jozef on Google

Bol som tu na pohovore. Musím povedať že sa ku mne správali veľmi príjemne. Na osobnom oddelení pracujú príjemné ženy.
I was here at the interview. I have to say that they treated me very pleasantly. Pleasant women work in the personal department.
Jiří Pírko on Google

Děláte machry s Wi-Fi v MHD, ale akorát si někdo namastil kapsu a wi-fi stejně nefunguje, jak by měla. Vyzkoušel jsem na dvou nejdelších linkach tram a je to katastrofa. Bylo mnoho poviku pro nic?. Ale jinak DpmB super. Když je teplo - topí se, když je sucho - jezdí se??
You're doing machra with Wi-Fi in public transport, but just have someone put a pocket and the wi-fi does not work as it should. I have tried the two longest lines by tram and it's a disaster. There was a lot to do for nothing. But otherwise DpmB super. When the heat is warm - drowning when it's dry - it's running
Lukáš Man on Google

Když jsem v Brně, jsem v podstatě nucen využívat místní MHD. Osobně mám dobrou zkušenost se službami DPMB. Vždy je to o lidech a většina řidičů je ochotná a trpělivá. Podle mého názoru je brněnská MHD naprosto v pořádku. Zkrátka, nemohu si na nic stěžovat.
When I am in Brno, I am basically forced to use local public transport. Personally, I have a good experience with DPMB services. It's always about people and most drivers are willing and patient. In my opinion, Brno public transport is perfectly fine. In short, I can't complain about anything.
Renata Wronková on Google

Martin Bonta on Google

Very often late, ancient vehicles and I have yet to see a vehicle with air conditioning. Not a single one to this day. Which is a disaster in a city with this kind of climate.

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