
4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Trinkhalle

Address :

Nová Kyselka 33, 362 72 Kyselka, Czechia

Categories :
City : Kyselka

Nová Kyselka 33, 362 72 Kyselka, Czechia
Ma Ková on Google

Mattoniho muzeum je plne skvostu, které chcete videt, dozvíte něco o historii a nejen to :) Moc pěkné dekujeme
Mattoni Museum is full of gems you want to see, you will learn something about history and not only that :) Thank you very much
René Dvořák on Google

Krasné místo na výlet, jen trochu smutné vidět co dokázala privatizace.... Muzeum Mattoni stojí za návštěvu. Doporučuji
A beautiful place for a trip, just a little sad to see what privatization has done .... The Mattoni Museum is worth a visit. I recommend
Peter Visnovsky on Google

Velmi prijemna vymluvna a zsroven komorni expozice primo v prostorach puvodni stacirny. Zabavi se i deti - mimo jine zajimavym 2/3D filmem, ktery zsjimsvym zpusobem prezentuje celou historii Kyselky. Urcite doporucuji...
Very pleasant eloquent and well-arranged chamber exposition directly in the premises of the original bottling plant. Children will also have fun - among other things, with an interesting 2 / 3D film, which presents the entire history of Kyselka in a unique way. I definitely recommend ...
Katerina Fialkova on Google

Krásná a příjemná procházka parkem.
Beautiful and pleasant walk through the park.
Richard Rejthar on Google

Krásné místo v krásném prostředí, nepředstavitelná škoda zdevastovaných budov lázní, snad se to podaří dát do původního stavu. Ať žijí lázně Kyselka.
Beautiful place in a beautiful environment, unimaginable damage to devastated spa buildings, perhaps it will manage to restore it to its original condition. Long live the Kyselka spa.
Klaus Wälzlein on Google

Schöner historischer Ort. Super zum Wandern und Entdecken.
Nice historical place. Great for hiking and exploring.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Budova byla postavena v letech 1887–88 jako picí hala (Trinkhalle), ale od roku 1962 plní funkci kina. Je zapsaná v rejstříku kulturních památek. Typická lázeňská stavba své doby původně stála nad Alžbětiným pramenem, v roce 1907 byla přemístěna do lázeňského parku na levém břehu Ohře. Pavilon ve stylu švýcarské architektury pocházel s největší pravděpodobností z ateliéru Fellner & Helmer. The object was built in 1887–88 as a drinking hall (Trinkhalle), but since 1962 it has been a cinema. It is registered as cultural monument of Czech republic. A typical spa building of its time originally stood above the Elisabeth Spring, in 1907 it was moved to the spa park on the left bank of the Ohře River. The pavilion in the style of Swiss architecture most likely came from the studio Fellner & Helmer.
The building was built in 1887–88 as a drinking hall (Trinkhalle), but since 1962 it has served as a cinema. It is registered in the register of cultural monuments. The typical spa building of its time originally stood above Alžbětina pramen, in 1907 it was moved to the spa park on the left bank of the Ohře. The pavilion in the style of Swiss architecture most likely came from the Fellner & Helmer studio. The object was built in 1887–88 as a drinking hall (Trinkhalle), but since 1962 it has been a cinema. It is registered as cultural monument of Czech republic. A typical spa building of its time originally stood above the Elisabeth Spring, in 1907 it was moved to the spa park on the left bank of the Ohře River. The pavilion in the style of Swiss architecture most likely came from the studio Fellner & Helmer.
Pavel Erazím on Google

Hezké z venku, bohužel uzavřen. Myslím , že je to škoda pro město. Potřebuje hodně peněz, aby to dali trochu do pořádku.
Nice from outside, unfortunately closed. I think it's a shame for the city. He needs a lot of money to fix it a little.

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