TURISTASHOP - tourist bookshop

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Contact TURISTASHOP - tourist bookshop

Address :

Bělehradská 572/63, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Website : http://www.turistashop.cz/
Categories :
City : Vinohrady

Bělehradská 572/63, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia
Renata Oktábcová on Google

Příjemná obsluha, široký výběr turistických map i průvodců. Prodej turistických vizitek a tur.znamek.vcelku široký výběr kožených kabelek.
Pleasant service, a wide selection of tourist maps and guides. Sales of tourist business cards and tourist signs. A wide range of leather handbags.
Petr Honsnejman on Google

Menší turistický obchod, který se nachází několik málo minut chůze od zastávky metra I. P. Pavlova. Kromě map Prahy, ale především okolních zemí vás jistě upoutá velký výběr turistických známek (prakticky z celé Prahy). Kromě turistických známek zde najdete i nějaké ty turistické vizitky / nálepky, „STAMP medajle“ a další turistické suvenýry.
A small tourist shop, located a few minutes walk from the metro station I. P. Pavlova. In addition to maps of Prague, but especially the surrounding countries, you will certainly be attracted by a large selection of tourist stamps (practically from all over Prague). In addition to tourist stamps, you will also find some tourist business cards / stickers, "STAMP medals" and other tourist souvenirs.
Ivana Salveguartova on Google

Malý obchod na Bělehradské ulici, poměrně široký sortiment pro turisty a sběratele turistických známek. Velmi příjemná a ochotná paní prodavačka. Mohu jen doporučit.
Small shop on Bělehradská street, relatively wide assortment for tourists and collectors of tourist stamps. Very nice and helpful lady saleswoman. I can only recommend.
Zbynda on Google

Omezený prostor prodejny vynahrazuje velmi přívětivá a ochotná paní prodavačka, která má evidentně veškerý sortiment "v malíčku" a ví, kde co hledat. A sortiment je na tak malé ploše velice rozsáhlý ...
The limited space of the store is replaced by a very friendly and helpful lady saleswoman, who obviously has all the assortment "in the fingertips" and knows where to look. And the range is so large in such a small area ...
Karolína Kovaříková on Google

Super obchůdek. Jen je lehce nenápadný, z vývěsky nelze poznat že se jedná o Turistashop.
Super shop. It's just slightly inconspicuous, you can't tell from the message board that it's a Turistashop.
Vlasta Blažková on Google

Malý obchůdek s velmi příjemnou paní prodavačkou ktera mně velmi ochotně posloužila. Ráda se sem budu vracet.
A small shop with a very nice saleswoman who served me very willingly. I'll be happy to come back here.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Je to takový nenápadný krámek, o kterém když nevíte, můžete kolem něj chodit, a ani si jej nevšimnete. Ale co se třeba turistických známek či vizitek týče, je Turistashop v Bělehradské ulici řádný kalibr! Prakticky u každé nové vizitky z Prahy a okolí si můžete být jisti, že ji tu najdete. K tomu připočítávám body za velmi příjemnou paní prodavačku. Je potěšení potkávat dnes lidi, které baví to, co dělají. Stavit se tu můžete každý všední den od půl desáté do půl sedmé, v sobotu do 12:30. Zajímavost pro sběratele: v nabídce najdete i zdejší "custom" turistický deník 1098: Posázavský pacifik a tur. vizitku V-88: 50 let motorových lokomotiv řady T 478.3 BREJLOVEC 1968-2018. It's such an unobtrusive store that you can not walk around when you do not know, and you will not even notice it. But as for tourist stamps or cards, the Turistashop in Bělehradská Street 572 in Vinohrady is a proper caliber! Virtually every new tourist card from Prague and around you can be sure to find it here among the first shops in all city. I also add more thumbs for very nice lady salesman. It is a pleasure to meet people who enjoy what they are doing. You can get here every working day from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM, plus Saturday to 12:30 PM. Attraction for collectors: You can also find local "custom" tourist notepad 1098 - Posázavský pacifik and V-88 tourist card: 50 years of locomotives T 478.3 BREJLOVEC 1968-2018.
It's such an inconspicuous shop that if you don't know about it, you can walk around it and you won't even notice it. But when it comes to tourist stamps or business cards, Turistashop in Bělehradská Street is a proper caliber! With practically every new business card from Prague and its surroundings, you can be sure that you will find it here. To this I add points for a very nice saleswoman. It is a pleasure to meet people today who enjoy what they do. You can stop here every weekday from half past nine to half past six, on Saturday until 12:30. Interesting for collectors: in the offer you will also find the local "custom" tourist diary 1098: Posázavský pacifik and tourist business card V-88: 50 years of T 478.3 BREJLOVEC 1968-2018 motor locomotives. It's such an unobtrusive store that you can not walk around when you do not know, and you will not even notice it. But as for tourist stamps or cards, the Turistashop in Bělehradská Street 572 in Vinohrady is a proper caliber! Virtually every new tourist card from Prague and around you can be sure to find it here among the first shops in all city. I also add more thumbs for very nice lady salesman. It is a pleasure to meet people who enjoy what they are doing. You can get here every working day from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM, plus Saturday to 12:30 PM. Attraction for collectors: You can also find local "custom" tourist notepad 1098 - Posázavský pacifik and V-88 tourist card: 50 years of locomotives T 478.3 BREJLOVEC 1968-2018.
Daniel Gomez on Google

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