U Jáchyma

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact U Jáchyma

Address :

Stará Louka 341, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Karlovy Vary

Stará Louka 341, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, Czechia
Nuanschka Meier on Google

Sehr freundlich und es wird geduldig beraten und erklärt .
Very friendly and they patiently advise and explain.
Hana Sadílková on Google

Ačkoliv bylo těsně před zavírací dobou, obsluha nás ještě pustila dovnitř a ochotně obsloužila. Navrch bylo možno zaplatit kartou, což vždy vítám. Škoda jen, že neměli ty s čili a čokoládou.
Although it was just before closing time, the staff still let us in and willingly served us. At the top it was possible to pay by card, which I always welcome. It's a pity they didn't have those with chili and chocolate.
Lenka Režná on Google

Příjemný a milý personál, nejlepší svarak ve Varech, velký výběr oplatek. V těchto časech výdejní okénko s neustálým úsměvem na tváři! Děkujeme
Pleasant and nice staff, the best weld in Vary, a large selection of wafers. In these times, a dispensing window with a constant smile on your face! Thank you
Tiffany To on Google

在那麽多間賣溫泉餅的店中唯一一間可以試吃的d==( ̄▽ ̄*)b 很會做生意,見到小朋友有時候會多給一塊。做我們外地客生意的心理就是試吃了通常都會買( • ̀ω•́ )✧也是對的,不是每個都買,但總會有人買,一買就不止一盒,滿好吃的。店內還有溫泉杯可以買(〃'▽'〃)
The only one in the store that sells hot spring cakes can try it out. d==( ̄▽ ̄*)b will do business very much, and sometimes see children give more. The psychology of doing our foreign business is to try to eat ( • ̀ ω • ́ ) ✧ is also right, not every one to buy, but there will always be people to buy, buy more than one box, full of delicious. There is also a hot spring cup in the store to buy (〃'▽'〃)
Veronika Kucharova on Google

Úžasný obchod s nejlepším personálem co jsme zažili. Pánové nám vše krásné zabalili, nabídli nám občerstvení a koupené věci doručili na hotel. Vřele doporučuji ?
Amazing store with the best staff we have experienced. The gentlemen packed everything beautiful for us, offered us refreshments and delivered the purchased things to the hotel. I highly recommend ?
Thomas Buelow on Google

This is the spot for warm fresh wafers!!
Pierros Zevolis on Google

Nice store located at the Karlovy Vary's pedestrian road. Great variety of tasty, inexpencive wafers. Many different tastes and shapes, a take out option for the homemade ones is also available. You also can buy gift packs at a very good price.
Nadja Safvat on Google

large selection of Oplate and wine and very nice staff!

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