Usedlost Špitálka

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Contact Usedlost Špitálka

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Na Špitálce 17/12, 160 00 Praha 6-Dejvice, Czechia

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City : Praha 6 Dejvice

Na Špitálce 17/12, 160 00 Praha 6-Dejvice, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

První zmínky o vinici Špitálka pochází z první poloviny 16. století, od roku 1539 tu stál viničný lis. Původně vinice patřila křižovnickému klášteru neboli špitálu sv. Františka, podle něhož má jméno. Základ usedlosti Špitálka vznikal kolem poloviny 18. století. V roce 1742 byla vypálena Francouzy a přilehlá vinice byla zničena. Jádro Špitálky tvoří hranolovitá stavba s valbovou střechou, která je dnes pěkně rekonstruována na vilu a slouží k bydlení. Pozemky kolem usedlosti byly za první republiky rozparcelovány na stavbu vilové čtvrti. The first mention of the vineyard Špitálka dates from the first half of the 16th century, a wine press stood here since 1539. Originally the vineyard belonged to the monastery of the Knights of the Cross and the Hospital of St. Francis. The foundation of the Špitálka homestead originated around the middle of the 18th century. In 1742 the French soldiers burned the house and the adjacent vineyard was devastated. The core of the Špitálka homestead consists of a prismatic building with a hipped roof, which is now nicely reconstructed into a villa and is used for housing. The land around the homestead was divided into a residential area during the First Republic.
The first mention of the Špitálka vineyard comes from the first half of the 16th century, and since 1539 there has been a vineyard press. Originally, the vineyard belonged to the Křižovnice monastery or hospital of St. Francis, after whom he has a name. The foundation of the Špitálka homestead was built around the middle of the 18th century. In 1742 it was burned down by the French and the adjacent vineyard was destroyed. The core of the Hospital is a prismatic building with a hipped roof, which is now nicely reconstructed into a villa and is used for living. The land around the homestead was divided into a residential area during the First Republic. The first mention of the vineyard Špitálka dates from the first half of the 16th century, a wine press stood here since 1539. Originally the vineyard belonged to the monastery of the Knights of the Cross and the Hospital of St. Francis. The foundation of the Špitálka homestead originated around the middle of the 18th century. In 1742 the French soldiers burned the house and the adjacent vineyard was devastated. The core of the Špitálka homestead consists of a prismatic building with a hipped roof, which is now nicely reconstructed into a villa and is used for housing. The land around the homestead was divided into a residential area during the First Republic.

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