VENIO-klášter benediktinek, Opatství Proměnění Páně

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Contact VENIO-klášter benediktinek, Opatství Proměnění Páně

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Karlovarská 3, 163 00 Praha 17, Czechia

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City : Praha

Karlovarská 3, 163 00 Praha 17, Czechia
Jiří Krátký on Google

Klášter Benediktinek s kostelem Panny Marie vítězné na Bílé hoře je nově zrekonstruovaný a rozhodně stojí za návštěvu i v době Coronaviru kdy jsou bohužel interiéry uzavřeny. Je to oáza klidu na okraji města kam se dostanete z konečné tramvaje 22 a 25 za 3 minuty pěšky. V blízkosti je i mohyla Bitvy na Bílé hoře a letohrádek Hvězda. O odpolední příjemnou vycházku máte tedy postaráno.
The Benedictine Monastery with the Church of Our Lady Victorious on the White Mountain has been newly reconstructed and is definitely worth a visit even during Coronavirus. when, unfortunately, the interiors are closed. It is an oasis of calm on the outskirts of the city, which can be reached from the final trams 22 and 25 in 3 minutes on foot. The mound of the Battle of the White Mountain and the Hvězda summer house are also nearby. So you have a pleasant walk in the afternoon.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Poutní areál s kostelem Panny Marie Vítězné vznikl v letech 1704-1730 postupným rozšiřováním kapličky z roku 1622 s kostnicí. Projekt kostelní kopule, ambitů a nárožních kaplí je dílem Jana Blažeje Santiniho. Iniciátorem a hlavním představitelem společenstva dobrodinců, které zajišťovalo finance na stavbu, byl hradčanský malíř Kristián Luna. Od roku 2007 je při kostele zřízen ženský klášter benediktinek s mezinárodní komunitou Venio. Zajímavostí je, že sestry se do hábitu a závoje oblékají jen na pobožnosti, jinak chodí v civilním oblečení a pracují ve svých původních profesích. Vstup do areálu je možný v době konání pravidelných mší, neděle 11:00 hodin a čtvrtek 17:30 hodin (v období zimního času v 16:30). Otevřeno bývá cca hodinu před mší. The pilgrimage area with the Church of Our Lady Victorious was established in 1704-1730 by the gradual expansion of the chapel from 1622 with the ossuary. The project of the church dome, cloisters and corner chapels is the work of Jan Blažej Santini. The initiator and the main representative of the benefactor community, which provided funding for the construction, was the painter from Hradec Králové Kristián Luna. Since 2007, a female Benedictine monastery with the international community of Venio has been established at the church. It is interesting that the nurses dress up in robes and veils only for worship, otherwise they wear civilian clothes and work in their original professions. Entry to the area is possible during regular masses, Sunday 11:00 am and Thursday 5:30 pm (during winter time at 16:30). It is open about an hour before mass.
The pilgrimage area with the Church of Our Lady Victorious was established in the years 1704-1730 by gradually expanding the chapel from 1622 with the ossuary. The project of the church dome, cloisters and corner chapels is the work of Jan Blažej Santini. The initiator and main representative of the community of benefactors, which provided funding for the construction, was the Hradčany painter Kristián Luna. Since 2007, a Benedictine convent with the international Venio community has been established near the church. It is interesting that the sisters dress in robes and veils only for devotion, otherwise they wear civilian clothes and work in their original professions. Entrance to the complex is possible during regular masses, Sunday 11:00 and Thursday 17:30 (during winter time at 16:30). It is usually open about an hour before Mass. The pilgrimage area with the Church of Our Lady Victorious was established in 1704-1730 by the gradual expansion of the chapel from 1622 with the ossuary. The project of the church dome, cloisters and corner chapels is the work of Jan Blažej Santini. The initiator and the main representative of the benefactor community, which provided funding for the construction, was the painter from Hradec Králové Kristián Luna. Since 2007, a female Benedictine monastery with the international community of Venio has been established at the church. It is interesting that the nurses dress up in robes and veils only for worship, otherwise they wear civilian clothes and work in their original professions. Entry to the area is possible during regular masses, Sunday 11:00 am and Thursday 5:30 pm (during winter time at 16:30). It is open about an hour before mass.
Gerald Bodmann on Google

Wallfahrtsort MARIA VON SIEGE. Wunderschön, nicht zu überlaufen, viele interessante Gemälde an der Decke,daneben kleiner privater Garten wo 1 Familie Kaffee anbietet ( Mama Koffein).
Place of pilgrimage MARIA VON SIEGE. Beautiful, not too crowded, many interesting paintings on the ceiling, next to it a small private garden where 1 family offers coffee (mom caffeine).
Kačaba Kačaba on Google

Nádherné místo. Krásná stavba a příjemný personál v tamní kavárničce . Určitě stoji za to navštívit . Dobrá dostupnost.
Beautiful place. Beautiful building and friendly staff in the local cafe. Definitely worth a visit. Good availability.
Marian Rusnak on Google

Nice people Magical place
Alois Balák on Google

Mirage Cz on Google

Very nice place with historical importance for Czech nation.
David Dancey on Google

A Habsburg era monastery built as a monument to the Battle of White Mountain The Battle of White Mountain was fought on the 8th of November 1620. It was one of the most pivotal battles in the early stages of the Thirty Years War, and ended the early successes of the Bohemians. In the Czech lands it is remembered as the end of their effective independence and a beginning of their time of subjection to the Habsburgs. It also is a crucial battle in the history of the world, as the Thirty Years War deeply affected later European culture and history and the ripple effects are still felt to this day. The Habsburgs built a monastery in memory of and in gratitude for their victory at White Mountain. The monastery was extended over the years and is worth having a look at if you are nearby the region of White Mountain.

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