Vyhlídkové místo

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Vyhlídkové místo

Address :

403 36 Tisá, Czechia

Categories :
City : Tisá

403 36 Tisá, Czechia
Theresa Beck on Google

David Stahl on Google

David Fryč on Google

Krásný vyhled
A beautiful view
Jörg Theiler on Google

Ideal für Familien-Wanderungen
Ideal for family walks
Artur Pelczarski on Google

Bardzo ładne widoki na Tisę.
Very nice views of Tisa.
Rene Hentschel on Google

Einfach schön und erholsam Tiesaer Wände
Simply beautiful and relaxing Tiesaer walls
Matthieu Roux on Google

Superbes points de vue pour un coût d'environ 2,40 euros après une marche de 50 minutes dans le parc sur le sentier vert, à ne pas louper !
Beautiful views for a cost of about 2.40 euros after a walk of 50 minutes in the park on the green trail, not to miss!
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Když se rozhlížíte kolem, je to nádhera. Není divu, že si zdejší bizarní skalní město zvolil režisér Andrew Adamson zvolil jako kulisy k filmu Letopisy Narnie. V zimě to chce pořádnou obuv, přijeli jsme v polovině února, kdy už v nížinách pomalu (ale jistě) začalo tu a tam vykukovat jaro. Tady panovala pořád zima a mráz. Některé úseky byly obtížně schůdné, bonusem však byl malý počet lidí, takže jsme si to tu mohli v klidu vychutnat. Vstupy do stěn jsou dva. První vede od parkoviště u kostela sv. Anny v Tisé, druhý začíná u Turistické chaty severovýchodně od obce. Spojnicí obou míst je červeně značená cesta procházející po hřebenech. Obě části spojuje i tříkilometrová naučná stezka, na níž je umístěno 9 informačních panelů. Okruh Malými stěnami trvá asi hodinu, Velkými zhruba dvě. Jednotlivé vrcholky se tyčí do výše až 70 metrů, nejvyšší bod Tiských stěn dosahuje nadmořské výšky 613 metrů. When you look around, it's soooo beautiful. It's no wonder director Andrew Adamson chose this quirky rock town as the backdrop for The Chronicles of Narnia. In winter, you need proper footwear; we arrived in mid-February, when spring had already slowly (but surely) begun to peek out here and there in the lowlands. But it was still cold and frosty here. Some sections were really difficult, but the bonus was the small number of people, so we were able to enjoy it in peace. There are two entrances to the walls. The first one leads from the parking lot of St. Anne's Church in Tisá, the second one starts at the Tourist Hut northeast of the village. A red marked path passing along the ridges connects both places. The two parts are also connected by a three-kilometre nature trail with 9 information panels. The circuit through the Small Walls takes about an hour, the Great Walls about two hours. The individual peaks rise up to 70 metres high, the highest point of the Tisza Walls reaches an altitude of 613 metres.
When you look around, it's beautiful. No wonder the local bizarre rock town was chosen by director Andrew Adamson as the backdrop for The Chronicles of Narnia. It takes proper shoes in the winter, we arrived in mid-February, when spring was slowly (but surely) starting to peek out here and there in the lowlands. It was still cold and frosty here. Some sections were difficult to reach, but the bonus was a small number of people, so we could enjoy it in peace. There are two entrances to the walls. The first leads from the parking lot at the church of St. Anny in Tisa, the second starts at the Tourist Cottage northeast of the village. The connection between the two places is a red marked path passing along the ridges. Both parts are connected by a three-kilometer nature trail, on which 9 information panels are located. The Small Walls circuit lasts about an hour, the Large Walls about two. The individual peaks rise to a height of up to 70 meters, the highest point of Tiské stěny reaches an altitude of 613 meters. When you look around, it's soooo beautiful. It's no wonder director Andrew Adamson chose this quirky rock town as the backdrop for The Chronicles of Narnia. In winter, you need proper footwear; we arrived in mid-February, when spring had already slowly (but surely) begun to peek out here and there in the lowlands. But it was still cold and frosty here. Some sections were really difficult, but the bonus was the small number of people, so we were able to enjoy it in peace. There are two entrances to the walls. The first one leads from the parking lot of St. Anne's Church in Tisá, the second one starts at the Tourist Hut northeast of the village. A red marked path passing along the ridges connects both places. The two parts are also connected by a three-kilometer nature trail with 9 information panels. The circuit through the Small Walls takes about an hour, the Great Walls about two hours. The individual peaks rise to 70 meters high, the highest point of the Tisza Walls reaches an altitude of 613 meters.

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