Wooden Shoe Inn - Jetřichovice 57

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Wooden Shoe Inn

Address :

Jetřichovice 57, 407 16 Jetřichovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 407
Website : http://www.pension-drevak.cz/
Categories :
City : Jetřichovice
Description : Simple rooms in a laid-back guesthouse with a rustic restaurant/bar, plus breakfast & Wi-Fi.

Jetřichovice 57, 407 16 Jetřichovice, Czechia
Miroslav Šorna on Google

Po prichodu do hospody rika kuchar o zakaznicich ze jsou cur..i. To ze nechce delat ho neopravnuje takto hovorit. Na stenach plisne a tukovy smrad z kuchyne. Obsluha take bez zajmu
Upon arrival at the pub, the chef tells about the customers that they are cur..i. Not wanting to do so does not entitle him to say that. Mold and greasy stench from the kitchen on the walls. The service is also without interest
TTVzickor yt on Google

Hrozná čekací doba čekal jsem 40minut na pití a hotovku mi přinesli za 2 a půl hodiny
Terrible waiting time I waited 40 minutes for a drink and they brought me cash in 2 and a half hours
Lucy. K on Google

Sem jsme chodili pouze na jídlo, které nám chutnalo. Měli točeného Radlera, což jsme velice ocenili. Btw. Byly jsme tu cca 2 roky zpět
We only came here for the food we liked. They had a Radler on tap, which we really appreciated. Btw. We were here about 2 years ago
Zlata Balounová on Google

Při příchodu do restaurace je zde zvláštní závan (zřejmě nedostatečně vyvětráno). Obsluha restaurace byla spíše neutrální. Jídlo mi přišlo spíše průměrné. Nedá se bohužel ani platit kartou.
When arriving at the restaurant there is a strange breeze (probably insufficiently ventilated). The restaurant staff was rather neutral. The food seemed rather average to me. Unfortunately, it is not even possible to pay by card.
Kryštof Svatoš on Google

Mám zkušenost pouze s restaurací. Při příchodu do restaurace Vas praští do nosu zápach smaženého a přípáleného oleje jako kdybyste stali u stánku s langoši na pouti. Obsluha bez zájmu taková "nemastná neslaná". Celou dobu nám zhasínala světla nad stolem, v restauraci je tichá atmosféra - hodilo by se pustit aspoň rádio, aby když se bavíte to neslyšela celá restaurace. Jídlo taky žádný zázrak. Guláš se zvláštní pachutí a rádoby napodobenina burgeru. Co mě velice nepříjemně překvapilo je, že se zde nedá platit kartou. Což beru v 21. století v restauracích jako samozřejmost.
I only have experience with restaurants. When you arrive at the restaurant, the smell of fried and burnt oil strikes your nose as if you were standing at a stall with langoos at the fair. Unattended service such a "non-greasy unsalted". The lights above the table went out all the time, the restaurant has a quiet atmosphere - it would be useful to turn on at least the radio so that when you have fun the whole restaurant would not hear it. Food also no miracle. Goulash with a strange taste and a wannabe imitation of a burger. What surprised me very unpleasantly is that you can't pay by card here. Which I take for granted in restaurants in the 21st century.
Michael Tromp on Google

Great location, rooms, service and food! Amazingly friendly and helpful people as well! Loved it!
Sebastian Hayn on Google

Great food, nice service. Watch the grumpy German tourists. Free WiFi!
John Suchman on Google

Under average food, bit bit pricier and don't get anything too complicated, even the simplest are average at best.

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