Yacht Cafe Brno - tř. Kpt. Jaroše 1844

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Yacht Cafe Brno

Address :

tř. Kpt. Jaroše 1844, 602 00 Brno-střed-Černá Pole, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 602
Website : https://www.menicka.cz/3158-yacht-cafe.html
Categories :

tř. Kpt. Jaroše 1844, 602 00 Brno-střed-Černá Pole, Czechia
Dominik Černý on Google

Dneska jsem s kolegy zavítal poprvé na polední menu, a musím říct, že mě kvalita jídla příjemně překvapila. Dobře uvařená rýže, maso s omáčkou připravené s láskou. Takže to prostě není žádná veřejná jídelna. Prostředí tomu totiž také neodpovídá. Obsluha na úrovni a všeho dostatek.
Today, my colleagues and I visited the lunch menu for the first time, and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the food. Well cooked rice, meat with sauce prepared with love. So it's just not a public dining room. The environment does not correspond to this either. Level service and plenty of everything.
Jiří Linduška on Google

Výborné obědové menu formou bufetu zde podávají od 11 do 14. Polévka, salátový bar, výběr z 5 hlavních jídel, několika příloh, ... Vepřová líčka byla luxusní. Na závěr jsem obdržel i sladkou tečku. No a pokud zrovna neřídíte, lze celý oběd ještě vylepšit sklenkou krásného vínka. K tomu všemu příjemné prostředí a voda v karafě pro každého zdarma. "Čistý záchody - to mám rád"..... potěší drobnosti jako třeba kapesníčky u umyvadla.
Excellent buffet lunch menu here from 11 to 14. Soup, salad bar, choice of 5 main dishes, several side dishes, ... Pork cheeks were luxurious. Finally, I received a sweet dot. Well, if you are not driving, the whole lunch can be enhanced with a glass of beautiful wine. In addition, a pleasant environment and water in the decanter for free. "Clean toilets - I love it" ..... delight small things like handkerchiefs at the sink.
Lenka Frýdková on Google

Krasne prostředí, vyborne jidlo, ochotny personál,budeme se radi vracet
Beautiful environment, great food, helpful staff, we will be happy to return
Lukas “Lumir” Hubert on Google

Menu formou bufetu "co hrdlo ráčí" za 139 korun. Chodíme sem na polední menu už delší čas a zatím vše, co jsme ochutnali bylo vynikající. Samozřejmostí je nekonečná karafa s vodou zdarma a příjemná obsluha. Salonek s akvariem vhodný třeba pro pracovní obědy. Doporučuji
Buffet menu "What's Hot" for 139 crowns. We have been going to the lunch menu for a long time now and everything we have tasted is excellent. Of course there is an infinite free water carafe and a pleasant service. Aquarium lounge suitable for business lunches. I recommend
David Pizza on Google

Stylish place with good buffet food
Alexander Plechov on Google

Nice place with friendly staff. Tasty food bufet "all you can eat" for affordable price.
Edyta Kulaga on Google

The lunch menu buffet is JUST ok, but defo not worh the money (140czk)
Jana Krištanová on Google

Lunch menu in this restaurant is in a form of buffet - the visitor goes and takes whatever they like and how much they like. Because of COVID situation, the soup and the portions were served by waiter. I was told that I can go and ask for additional portion any time I want. Price is a little bit higher for lunch menu, but you need to consider that it's all you can eat. Because of that, I advice you to go to the place with empty stomach. Then you won't regret. Disadvantage of the place is that it's not open regularly, as it doesn't have kitchen. I spoke with stuff and have learned that everything that you eat must be brought from another place. The café also hosts wine tastings and it can be open for private events. I would appreciate more regularly open hours, or better availability of information about this particular matter, as I bet the café could attract more customers. The only way how to search for information now is to go to the place physically and see what's written on the door. Btw the café is not accessible for disabled people, as it's located in cellar.

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