Základní škola a mateřská škola Kyselka - Radošov 75

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Contact Základní škola a mateřská škola Kyselka

Address :

Radošov 75, 362 72 Lázně Kyselka, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77889
Postal code : 362
Website : https://zskyselka.edupage.org/contact/
Categories :
City : Lázně Kyselka

Radošov 75, 362 72 Lázně Kyselka, Czechia
Vratislav Vaníček on Google

Katerina Říhová on Google

Lukas Gernat on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Základní a mateřská škola Kyselka sídlí v krásné budově - původně to byla luxusní vila, která patřila architektovi Antonínu Mickovi, jež byl spolupracovníkem J. Mattoniho. V roce 1902 ji darovala i se zahradou vdova po panu architektovi konkregaci Sester sv. Kříže s podmínkou, že zde založí siročinec. Poněvadž vila nepostačovala, byl v letech 1903 - 1904 postaven klášter se siročincem. V roce 1928 byl přičleněn útulek kojenců. Po odchodu řádových sester v roce 1952 byla zde zřízena Základní škola. Dnes objekt nabízí výuku od 1. do 9. třídy. ZŠ a MŠ Kyselka zahrnuje i jídelnu, hospodářskou budovu se školní kuchyní, školní družinu a sportovní halu. DO školy dojíždějí žáci až devíti okolních obcí. Kyselka Elementary and Nursery School is housed in a beautiful building - originally it was a luxury villa belonging to the architect Antonín Mick, who was a collaborator of J. Mattoni. In 1902 it was donated together with the garden by the widow of architect to the Sisters of St. Cross with the condition that it will become a children's Home. Since the villa was not enough for that purpose, a monastery with a Siberian was built in 1903 - 1904. In 1928, a refuge for infants was attached. After the nuns left this place in 1952 the Primary School was established here. Today the building offers lessons from 1st to 9th class. Kyselka elementary and nursery school also includes a dining room, a farm building with a school kitchen, a school club and a sports hall. Pupils of up to nine surrounding municipalities commute to the school.
Kyselka Elementary and Kindergarten is housed in a beautiful building - originally it was a luxury villa, which belonged to the architect Antonín Mick, who was a collaborator of J. Mattoni. In 1902, the widow of the architect, the congregation of the Sisters of St. Crosses on the condition that he establishes a broadcaster here. As the villa was not enough, a monastery with a siiročinec was built between 1903 and 1904. In 1928, an infant shelter was added. After the departure of the nuns in 1952, a primary school was established here. Today, the building offers lessons from 1st to 9th grade. Kyselka Elementary School and Kindergarten also includes a dining room, a farm building with a school kitchen, a school club and a sports hall. Pupils of up to nine surrounding municipalities commute to school. Kyselka Elementary and Nursery School is housed in a beautiful building - originally it was a luxury villa belonging to the architect Antonín Mick, who was a collaborator of J. Mattoni. In 1902 it was donated together with the garden by the widow of architect to the Sisters of St. Cross with the condition that it will become a children's Home. Since the villa was not enough for that purpose, a monastery with a Siberian was built in 1903 - 1904. In 1928, a refuge for infants was attached. After the nuns left this place in 1952 the Primary School was established here. Today the building offers lessons from 1st to 9th class. Kyselka elementary and nursery school also includes a dining room, a farm building with a school kitchen, a school club and a sports hall. Pupils of up to nine surrounding municipalities commute to the school.

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